Diane 👩‍⚖️

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Carina, babe, we have to leave soon.
I shout from the kitchen.

Carina? I say when I didn't get a response.

When I didn't get a respond after that I started making my way to the bedroom where I last saw Carina.

Baby? I say when I see her sat on our bed.

And just then I heard her sniffling.

Hey, baby what wrong? I asked when I walked over and crouched in front of her.

She just shakes her head and let's put a sob.

Hey, come here darling. I say as I stood up and sat next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

I'm scared Maya. She stutters as she try's to catch her breath.

What you scared of? Your therapy session? I asked and she nodded

It's ok, I'm going to be there and we're going to go at your pace, if you get overwhelmed we can take a breather or we can call it quits, your in control my love.

You're not gonna leave at any point, right? She asked

I'm not leaving, ever.
Do you hear me I'm going to be right by you holding your hand the whole time. I say and she nods against my chest.

This session is not going to be so hard, you're just going to get to know each other and for Diane to understand why you want these appointments and we'll go from there. I say

What is she asks me something and I don't want to say? She asked me.

Then don't answer, you tell her whatever you're comfortable with, ok? And she nods again

You ok now? I asked


I wished you would've come to me and told me you were upset and not sit here by yourself, my love. I say calmly.

I'm sorry. She whispers

No no I'm not mad, just for next time? I asked and she agreed.
What did Diane do in your first session couple years ago? Carina asked as they walked into the kitchen.

Well I've told Diane to go gentle on you since you can get triggered easily and I don't want anything bad to happen to you, so she'll probably just ask some questions about you like where your from and your family and our relationship and probably how we met and then she'll most likely move onto the shooting and how you felt during that whole situation and so on, I don't know though. I say

She'll do what she thinks is best for you. I added

Ok. Was all she said.

We need to leave now though if we want to make it on time. I told her and we then made our way towards the door.
We are sat in the waiting room getting ready for Carina's name to be called out.

You can sense her anxiety from a mile away, her right leg is going a thousand miles an hour and she keeps taking deep breaths every now and then.

You're gonna be ok bubba, I promise. I told her.

I know but..........

Carina DeLuca

We heard before she could finish her sentence.
I look up and see Diane standing there smiling as she looks at us.

Come on babe, let's get this over with. I say as we walked hand in hand towards Diane's office

So what brings you here today? Diane asked and I'm assuming she's talking to Carina so I just stay silent.

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