Rude 🙄

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It was clinic day today which was a busy one to say the least, the team and especially Carina couldn't even catch a break.

Carina has been none stop with helping walk in's and making sure everyone was ok and had what they needed as-well.

I still have a couple hours left of my shift 4 hours to be exact and Carina decided that she was just going to wait and we go home together because she doesn't want to be in the apartment by herself cause she's lonely she said.

I'm just in the kitchen looking out the window just enjoying the peace and quiet when I feel two arms snake around my lower waist and a head laying on my back.

Bambina? She whispers into me which I couldn't really make out.

Yeah baby girl? I say in the same tone of voice.

Have you got any pain medicine, my head hurts. She says innocently

Ohh is it? I'll go have a look in my office now, I'm sure I have some. I say as I turn around to see her face but she just hides it in my chest this time.

Everything ok bubba? I asked as I ran my fingers through her hair.

She just nods.

It is just a headache or is it a migraine?
Cause you do get migraines when you've worked your self out and overdone it, today you quite literally did that. I asked

I think it's just a headache, my mind won't stop racing which is probably the cause of it but I just can't handle the pain anymore. She says into me.

Ok, I'll go and get you something for the pain then. I say as I undo her arms from around me and try to pull her away.

When Carina gets over tired which she is and she doesn't even have to tell me she's tired you can just see it in her face and body language, she gets clingy like REALLY clingy, which is fine I love it when she's clingy and wants to be around me 24 seven but I can't really do anything with her attached to my hip.

Baby, you have to let go so I can go have a look for you. I whisper into her hair as I rub her back.

Fine. She says in a moody tone and let's go.

Hey love birds. We heard and I turned my head and seen Vic walking in.

Hey Vic, everything good? I asked and she nods as she sits down on the kitchen island.

I'll be back in a second ok babe. I say as she just gives me her angry face.

This is going to be a long night. I think to myself.

What's up with you DeLuca? Vic says playfully

Hughes, please don't, she's not feeling good.
I say in a warning tone so she knows I'm being serious as I walk away.

Jeez, people need to lighten up a bit. She says sarcastically.
I cannot believe Maya, all I wanted was for her to hold me and she didn't even let me do that.

I mean yeah she's gone to get me something for the pain but that could've waited at least two minutes, so now I'm sat here sulking and pouting at the same time if you want to class those as two different things, quite frankly there the same in my opinion.

I just decided to fold my arms on the counter and lay my head down.

Helloooooooo Carina. Jack yells which made me flinch

Jesus Christ jack, shut up. I says annoyed but keep my head down.

Ohhh, is someone tired? He cooed like I was a baby.

MARINA / STEFANIELLE ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now