Neighbours 🚪

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Carina is coming over for the night, she's finishing the end of her shift and then she's gonna come straight to my place.

Our shifts have been on opposite sides of each-other so we haven't had much alone time together, I'm not only taking about intimacy just time in general, we'd normally do movie night once a week and just cuddle on the couch and then go to bed but 9 times out of 10 I'd end up carrying Carina to bed cause she'd fall asleep on me.

That's totally ok though, I'm glad she feel safe enough to fall asleep even thought we've only been together for a couple months.

That's when I heard it a knock at the door.

I felt a smile appeared on my face cause I knew who it was.

I immediately go to the door and open it and I see my amazing girlfriend standing there, she looks exhausted love her.

Hiya baby. I say in a cheerful voice.

Hi Bella. She says and I move out of the way so she can freely walk in.

I stand there bouncing around like a kid trying to patiently wait for their ice cream while she takes her shoes off.

You gonna calm down Bambina, you're gonna get your kiss now. She teases

I'm calm, see calm....... It's my middle name Rina. I tease her back.

Maya? She says with a stern tone

Rina? I say but in a sarcastic tone

What have I said about calling me Rina.......
She whined

What's wrong with it? I think it's cute. I say

No, just no. She says with a smile.

I should be allowed to call you Rina,
you know........ cause you're my Rina. I say with a smile

Well what am I suppose to call you, it's not really fair if you ask me. She moans

Bambina,,,,, my personal favourite. I say and she just glared at me.

You are my Rina though, your my sweet, loving , caring but still won't take any shit of nobody Rina. I say

Ok, I'm your Rina. She caved in and moved closer to me and placed her soft lips onto mine.

We made our way to the kitchen so we can get some food.

So you got new neighbours by the looks of things. She says

Yeah, how'd you know? Please don't tell me they're still moving their stuff in? I say

No, I had a conversation with them just now, their bit off ain't they. She says

I don't now, haven't seen them, only heard the noise. I laughed

Ohhh, yeah, I'm not one to judge, you know that...... right? She says wanting to make sure I know and agrees

No, yeah I know that baby. I say with a giggle at the way she panicked.

They just, I don't know what it is they just make me uncomfortable I guess. She says trying to brush it off

What do you mean babe, did they do something? Cause if they did I can go have a word with them if so. I say getting all protective.

No No it's just them in general, not my crowd. She says

Huh? I say cause at this point in the conversation I'm lost.

You know what I mean. She says

I really don't, you've completely lost me. I said

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