Its okay ❤️

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I walk into the apartment and close the door behind me, I expected to be welcomed by my Italian because she got off work 6 hours ago but to my surprise the apartment was in silence.

A bit too silent for my liking.

Carina, baby you here? I shout through the who apartment.


I got nothing in return.

I make my way towards our bedroom to see if she's in there and has fallen asleep in bed.

The bedroom door was open so I doubt she's sleeping, she hate sleeping with the door open I don't know why she just does.

Anyways I make my way to the kitchen cause I am starving, we got called In and was at the scene for a whole 3 hours and by the time we got back to the station and showered it was time to head home.

I was just about to open the refrigerator door when I got a phone call.


- hello, Bailey?
- Maya, you need to come and get Carina.
- why, whats wrong? Is she ok?
- ye, she's fine, she's just refusing to go home
- why is she refusing?
- she had a mother pass this morning, it was unexpected to say the least but we found out she had a blood clot and carina is refusing to go home.
- oh god, I'll be there as soon as I can.
- okay

After that call with Bailey I immediately grab my keys and head out of the apartment once again.
It didn't take me long to get to the hospital since it's like 4 blocks away from our home, so by the time I parked my car I looked around and seen Carina's car in its usual spot and made my way inside.

As I entered the building I searched for Bailey which wasn't hard cause she was stood by the reception waiting for me by the looks of it.

Where is she? I asked as I got closer to her.

She's in her office, I've tried to get her to go home for the last couple hours after her shift ended but she just ain't going anywhere. She says

Ok,,,,,, ok I'll go get her now. I say as I'm already walking towards the elevator to go to the 4th floor where Carina's office was at.

I give the door three knocks before I just opened the door.

I walked in and the room is in darkness only filled by the computer screen.

Car? I say as I close the door behind me

Maya, what are you doing here? She asked after she looked up from the screen.

Well I got a bit worried when you wasn't home when I got off shift and considered your shift ended 6 hours ago you would see why. I say

Oh sorry, I've been busy. She says

I can see, wanna tell me what's got you so busy to not come home to your wife? I say

Um, just stuff. She says.

I could hear the pain in her voice, it wasn't as light and calm as it normally is it's more dry and gloomy.

Car, baby why don't you just come home with me, yeah? I offered

No I can't........  She says

I go over to the wall and turn the lights on, I looked back over and see carina's face plastered in her mascara running down her face and eye red like she was high out of her mind from all the crying I can tell she's done.

Oh baby, don't cry. I say as I make my way over to her.

Car I need you to look at me. I say as I crouched down beside her.

MARINA / STEFANIELLE ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now