Poorly 👩‍🚒👩‍⚕️ x2

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Maya:                         :::Didn't proof read:::
I was in the middle of sleeping when I jolted up at the sound of Carina coughing.

At first I thought she was choking in her sleep so the firefighter i am immediately got into action not really thinking anything of it lifting her up and waking her up in the process.

The coughing fit carried on but now that I realise what was happening I calmed down a little.

I'm so sorry for waking you bubba, I thought you were choking or something. I apologised but she didn't care and just broke down as she guided herself to my chest.

Hey, come here baby. What's wrong talk to me. I say as I comb through her hair with my fingers.

I-I-I I can't sleep, I-I haven't slept, I started to doze off but then the coughing happened and everything hurt, every bone in my body is sore and I can't get comfortable cause if I lay on my side it hurts if I lay on my back it hurts if I lay on my stomach it makes me nauseous, I-I-I just want to go to sleep. She cried

Shhh, can you take some deep breaths with me, in and out just like we've practiced, remember, in your nose out your mouth. I say and she follows along.

Good, good girl baby, ok look it's.......

I look over my shoulder to check my clock to see the time is 5:39 in the morning.

It's still really early, so how about we cuddle and we try and get you to sleep, you need to sleep otherwise you're not gonna get better, you have a fever, your cheeks are flushed and your body hurts so that's not good is it now. I say and she shakes her head left and right.

We're laying there in the same position and Carina lets out the most heartbreaking hiccup's, it's like a baby trying to calm themselves down after crying but just with an adult.

Carina not one to cry, especially in-front of people so when she breaks down in front of me it breaks my heart into a million pieces, I just wanna wrap her up in bubble wrap and keep her in our apartment where I know she can't get hurt, but I can't and that's just life.

Shhhh, you're ok, I'm right here just focus on your breathing for me. I say

Maya? She says after a while of silence.

Yeah my darling? I question

You need to go.......

Why? I'm not leaving you like this........

You have work. She says which reminded me.

I completely forgot about that.

I'm not going, I'll get Andy to cover me....... I'm not leaving.

I'm sick, not dying you can go to work. She says as she try's to pull away from my grip

Hold your horses young lady, i vowed to you that i will stay no matter what..... in sickness and in health and right now my Italian is very  sick so i am going to stay wether you like it not. I say and i can see her smile and she comes crawling back to me and cuddling in my chest again.

Just close your eyes and just drift off ok, I'll be right here for when you wake up. I say as i bring the blanket up and tuck it into her so she's nice and warm.

Promise? She asked

I promise to the moon and back that i will be right here if you need me or if you just wake up naturally. I say

MARINA / STEFANIELLE ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now