I need maya😢

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Related to 5x15 (Kinda): [Didn't proof read]

I SAID NO, GET OFF OF ME. I scream as I fall to the ground with him still holding onto me.

«««« earlier that day.

No, Amelia maya is coming home from college next week I can't go on a road trip with you. I say as I'm being followed around the table in the cafe.

But why? She whine.

You are like a child, I just told you why, I'm spending some time with maya cause she off from college for three weeks. I explained

Exactly "three weeks" you have plenty of time to come on a road trip with me. She says as she continues to follow me.

I'm not going on a road trip with you Amy, maybe another time, ok? I say as I stop dead in my track so she knows I'm being serious

Fine, do I at least get to meet this maya of yours you've been seeing for months or you still gonna gate keep her away from your best friend. She then asked

That what my plan was yeah, but you're going in a trip . No? I asked confused.

No not anymore, I'll just go when you go. She says calmly.

You're so weird Amy, get back to work. I ordered as I quietly giggle to myself.

Hey, how can I help you? I hear Amelia say when a middle aged man walk in.
Bambina🩷: hey baby, I'm nearly finished with packing, I got two more classes and then I'm free for the next month, can't wait to see you next week xx

I received as I was cleaning the counter.

: hiya Bambina, i know I've missed you so much recently and I'm literally counting down the days, good luck with the classes. Ti amo xx

I replied with almost immediately.

Bambina🩷: I know just 5 more days baby, not that long.

: it is to me 😢

Bambina🩷: 🤣🤣 I gotta go, talk later.
I love you xx

: ti amo Bella xx

And after that small conversation I popped my phone in the back pocket of my jeans and got back to work.
I have just under 20 minutes left of my shift here and it's pretty late cause I decided to stay later to help out cause vic is off sick cause she has the flu so I offered to cover her shift.

I was just packing up my stuff when I almost forgot about my phone which I put on charge a couple hours ago cause it died as I was texting my cousin.

I didn't want to forget it so I quickly put it in my pocket and made my way back to the back tire grab my coat and leave.

Hey, I'm heading out, see you around. I say to my boss.

Bye DeLuca, have a nice night. She says and I make my way out.

I didn't drive today only because my car is in the shop getting new tires fitted cause they were very much need an upgrade.

So I'm walking, which would be a 20 minute walk but I have to go past the library to return some book cause u won't have time over the weekend cause u don't know if I've mentioned but maya is coming down from college.

So now my 20 minute walk has turned into a 35 minute walk roughly.

I started walking down the Victoria Street cause it was a shortcut to the library when I get a call.

I rummage around my pocket to see that it's Amelia phoning me.

: hello?
- Hey DeLuca, fancy coming over?
: ugh, yeah sure, going to the library and then I'll be over.
- the library?
: yep, returning some book.
- ok, i can meet you half way?
: ugh, you don't have to, I won't be long.
- no I insist, I'm leaving now so I'll be like 5 minutes
: ok,
- I'll talk to you in-
: wait there don't hang up, there some guy sitting outside the library, stay on the phone with me.
- yeah sure.

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