Something in common 🤌

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I was at home today because I wasn't needed  on set cause I don't have any scenes to do till Friday and today is Wednesday so that's a decent break if you ask me.

I started my day at 7am as I normally do cause I am such a neat freak with routine but that's just the type of person I am.

I had French toast for breakfast and took Jeff for her morning walk and I've put a load of laundry in and I'm just chilling in my bedroom while i scroll through TikTok.

I wasn't really keen on TikTok at first but Danielle mentioned it to me the other day and how she can just sit and watch videos for hours on end without realising and now I think it was a terrible idea downloading it myself.

Cause before I know it, it's 2 hours later and in sat on my bed still on TikTok maybe in a different position but still scrolling.

That just showed it was my time to get up and do something, so I did.

I got up and fixed my blanket I was just laying on made my way down stairs with Jeff following along for the journey obviously.

Do you wanna go for a walk Jeff baby? I say in a baby voice as I normally do to Jeff.

And to nobody's surprise she starts going crazy and doing laps around me.

Yeah? You do? I say excitedly myself

So as promise I grab her lead and we make our way towards the front door.
I decided to make this walk longer than normal because I didn't have anything planned out for the rest of the day so me and Jeff had time.

But that was until I heard my phone ringing in my pocket.

Dani🩷 is calling :

S: Hey Danielle

I say once I've put my phone up to my ear

D: Stef? Where are you?
S: On a walk with Jeff, why?
D: Oh ok, how long are you going to be?
S: Not long, we're on our way back now.
Is everything ok?
D: Yeah, I'm at your place and I just need your help with something.
S: Ok, yeah I'm around the corner I'll be like not even 2 minutes.
D: Ok, bye Bella
S: Bye Bella.

And just like that I'm walking up to my porch and I see Danielle sitting on one of my wooden chairs with her head down.

Danielle? I called


Danielle, are you crying? I say as I crouch down infront of her.

Another sniffle

Bella come on, let's get you inside. I say as I guide her up from the chair and towards my front door that I have yet to unlock.

As I slide the key in and unlock the door I get a glimpse of Danielle's face for the first time.

Danielle, what the fuck happened to your face? I asked as I see a massive purple bruise on the side of her head as well as a split lip that's clearly hasn't been cleaned.

I'm sorry. She stutters.

Come on, get inside. I say as I help her in
as-well as Jeff.

Jeff, go have some water baby. I say as I take the lead of her and she sprinted off.

As I turned my attention back to my blonde I can see she is still visibly crying.

Come here Bambina. I say as I greet her with open arms which she falls into.

I slowly guide us to the couch so we're more comfortable and we sit there as I hold Danielle for about 20 minutes as she cried

I'm sorry. We're the first words she spoke after calming down.

MARINA / STEFANIELLE ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now