Relationship 💔

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No, stop it Felix. I screamed and that's when I felt the powerful force against my cheek.

I let out a gasp as I brought my hand up to my
Face, my left cheek to be on the same page.

That's what happens when you lie to me Stefania, tell me the truth and you wouldn't get smacked one. He says aggressively

I told you the truth...... I was with Danielle last night, I can call her so she can tell you for yourself. I say but you could barely hear me.

Don't bother, you females always stick together, she's probably a lying bitch just like you. He snaps.

Don't you dare speak about her like that, speak to me all you want but don't you dare talk about Danielle like that. I say and I puffed my chest out without thinking.

Ohhh, someone's getting defensive now, ayyy.
He laughs.

Yeah, don't even say her name, I swear to god........

What, what you gonna do about it, you're just a coward....... Can't even stand up for yourself half the time. He said

I just stand there not knowing what to do..... because he's right, I can't defend myself sometime...... oh my god I am a coward....... Why have I never realised. I say to myself in my mind.

I can't do this right now, I gotta go to work.......

You ain't going anywhere. He shouts.

Yeah I am Felix, I have to go film you know this, I'm not going to no go in because you don't trust me, that's your own fault but I gotta go. I say as I grab my stuff and head towards the front door.

That's when he leans himself against the door, stopping me from opening it.

If you leave right now, we're done.
I'll pack myself and I'll be gone by the time you come home. He threatened

Good. I say coldly.

The sooner you're gone the better. I added in the same tone.

You're just a useless piece of shit Stefania, you're a nobody....... Just because your an actress and you got fans who are just a buntch of dykes doesn't mean anything, your nothing without me, do you understand me, huh? He said as he pushes me with his body.

Stop it Fe, don't push me. I say as I trip over my own feet.

Don't you ever and I mean ever disrespect me like that again. He says

O-O ok, I won't I promise just let me leave. I stutter.

Get out, don't be late, I mean it this time. He says

Thought you were leaving? I asked

Oh my god, you're the most naive person I know, just get out. He says and I basically run out of my house.

My house.

My house

My home.

That's supposed to be my home.

But every day I fear going home, I fear everyday when I wake up what else is going to happen to me, what bruises I'm going to receive that day, if I'm going to get slapped or pushed or even get bullied by the person I'm suppose to love.

MARINA / STEFANIELLE ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now