Cramps 😣

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I'm on a walk, yes a walk.
Not a run but a walk, doesn't mean I haven't been on a run though, I went on one this morning, I'm on an afternoon walk.

I've just gotten off work and it's a nice day so I decided to take a walk.

I just got changed out of my uniform and left my car in the station car park and left for a walk.

What can I say, I'm a changed women.

A women with a girlfriend may I add, yes a girlfriend.

Also a girlfriend I haven't heard from all day, I spoke to her a couple times yesterday but none today, which is odd.

We talk daily, well since we met each other anyways because 9 out of 10 we talk everyday so considering it's nearly 10 at night and I haven't heard from her all day and when I say all day I mean the last message I got was at 7:14 last night, is worrying me.

I've sent her messages but I haven't got a reply, so I'm worried, worried for the safety of my girlfriend so I decided to start walking to her apartment because all I know is she's laying dead in her kitchen after being robbed and that thought is not helping my anxiety right now.

To my luck Carina, Carina is my girlfriend that's her name, stunning name ain't it.

Anyways Carina doesn't live that far from me and I don't live that far from the station so......
You know where I'm getting at.

Considering I'm 20 minutes into my walk Carina is basically around the corner from where I'm at now.

I know she's not on shift today so that making me worry more apart from the fact of not hearing from her.

I get to her apartment complex and go up to the 4th floor where Carina is located.

I give the door a couple knocks and wait to see if there will be an answer.

I think there is because I hear some noise and movement coming from the inside.

I hear the chain of the door being messed with and then the door starts to open.

Maya? She says confused

Well hello to you too babe. I say sarcastically

What are you doing here? She asked

Well I haven't heard from you all day and I thought you were going to be dead somewhere so I thought I'd come and see if you were ok. I say truthfully.

I'm sorry, I haven't touched my phone all day. She says

You ok? You look rough. I say because she stood there with her hair up and all over the place with pjs on and fluffy sock with a pale face and bags under her eyes

Ohh thanks, way to please a girl Bella. She jokes

Only speaking the truth, you sick or something? I asked her.

Uh not really.......

Not really? What does that mean? I say confused because that doesn't make sense

Just in pain.......

What are you hurt? Did someone hurt you..... have you been to the hospital......
I say in a panicked tone as I start searching her body for any injuries.

MARINA / STEFANIELLE ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now