Final Breath

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Chapter 26

A/N: Hello! Sorry that it's been ages, but I couldn't decide which direction I wanted this story to go in + lots of new changes were happening in my life so I basically paused this story for a hell of a long time. But after many of you commented for an update, it inspired me to finish this story and give a final conclusion. Thank you all for your votes and hilarious/encouraging comments. I truly appreciate all who enjoyed this story, which my teenage-self wrote :'))) I may not be into the fandom as much as I was, but I'm still #KlarolineForever <3 <3 <3
P.s. thanks y'all for taking your time to read and vote for this trash story. I'm truly touched :'> 


Bonnie didn't get why Kol brought her to a cementary. It was cold and dark and smelled too much of dead corpses and strong magic. Black magic.
Bonnie didn't think it was possible to miss her powers as much as she did right now.

Letting go of Kol's hand, she approached a large stone that was covered in green moss. It was a grave of a familiar name which was carved into the cement. Touching the rock, Bonnie felt magic radiate from it. Gasping, she drew her hand back, "How-"

"It's because you haven't fully transitioned yet." Kol said as if he read her thoughts. "Technically, you're still a witch."

Tears blurred Bonnie's eyes, she turned to face Kol, who was leaning against a grave stone, arms crossed over his chest, looking relaxed. "Why did you bring me here?" She asked.

Kol straightened his spine, taking a few steps toward the brunette. "Because even as a Vampire, a strong witch like you would be able to summon your ancestral magic." He said, cupping the side of Bonnie's cheek, "Don't you see, darling? There's no need to make such rash desicions. You'll remain a witch even after transitioning. I'm sure of it."

With a shaky breath escaping her lips, Bonnie blinked away tears. "Kol..." She whispered. "This is different- I can't just-" this was nothing but black magic. She won't participate in it. Not again.

"Why not? What's so terrible of choosing life over your bloody morals for once?"

"I am choosing my life, Kol." The witch whispered, feeling a warm streak roll down her cheek. "I'm sorry, but I don't want to live thousands of years with a thirst for human blood. Immortality's not what I want for myself - not how I want to live."

A shadow passed over Kol's face, eyes giving away his displeasure -his pain from Bonnie's answer. "So you never, not once, wanted to spend eternity with those dear to you?" He said, "I'll admit, I never did either. Not when dear father forced us to turn, and not decades after. Not"

Biting down on her quivering lip, Bonnie turned away from Kol, wet eyes focused on the darkening sky above. "What are you trying to do Kol? Because it won' won't work." 

She felt hands slip around her waist, Kol's chin rested on her shoulder, cheek against her neck. He inhaled her scent and she heard his breath hitch - hesitation. "Such a harsh tongue you have, little witch." He whispered; breath cold on her burning skin. "Something I adored ever since I layed eyes on you."

She covered her chuckle with a scoff. "Adored enough to respect my choices?"

"I am. I just want you to make the right one."

"Kol-" she turned around and her mouth went dry. She was stunned into silence. He was standing there with two blood bags in hand. Bonnie could smell the coppery scent that filled her nostrils like a sweet craving that her body was starving for. When did he even have the time to- "Kol..." she warned, feeling a sharpness pierce her bottom lip, eyes warming to a crimson layer. 

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