Close Enough

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Chapter 21-

Plz dont kill me.

I am So, so, SO sorry it took so long to update. With school and the passing holidays it's hard to keep up with all my stories. Lol

And to those who wonder if i dropped this fic; no. No i didn't. I'm still continuing it. :)

And a BIG thanks to all of the patient readers who wait for my not-so-quick updates. ILY all who comment and take time to read this :)))

Hope ya'll enjoy :D



As soon as flames flared across the room, Caroline instinctively jumped back.

Smoke started to fill her lungs and non-stop coughs escaped her mouth. Tripping over the leg of the burning chair behind her, she felt herself land heavily on the ground. But she knew she lost Klaus in sight the moment hot waves of yellow filled her vision.

Feeling the heat of the fire that grew closer, her eyes began to flutter as she tried to find some oxygen to inhale . Catching a glimpse of a familiar pair of blue eyes she felt some kind of safety, even if it was far away from her. She wanted to reach out, she wanted to shout out for any kind of help, but her voice too burnt in smoke and body too weak from the raging heat she could eternally die from.

The only thing that forced her legs up to stand was the adrenaline that coursed her veins from the instinct to survive. The thought of something to live for. To see the person she craved to throw her arms around and never let go.

Blinking her eyes back to the consciousness she was doing her best to hold onto, she gripped the heated frame of the wall she was backed against and waited for her legs to stop shaking.

Her other hand found something cold, something fogged up and slippery with heat.


Swerving her head to what her hand was gripping on, she didn't see a window like expected.

Instead, the words 'EXIT' flashed above the corner of her vision as her palm was pressed up against the small peep window of the metallic door. It was too clouded up by the fiery smoke to see anything passed it.

Quickly finding and gripping the small handle, she turned it. Locked.

Of course.

Using the little of her inhuman strength that she managed to surface in her weak state, she broke the lock and fell through the door before the incoming fire could touch her skin.

Stumbling into the night air, she felt her knees and palms scrape against the ground of the cement. She chose the ignore the mild sting of pain and focus on catching the air that she craved.

Because she could finally breathe again. Gasping, she felt the cool wind of air fill her lungs through her throat. Looks like the vampires needed to breathe after all.

But hearing a loud crackling of fire triggered her survival senses and geared her legs to move up and faster away from the noise than her mind could process at the moment. 

She didn't know where her feet where carrying her, but when she looked back all she saw was the burning place fading farther and farther from sight. Her lungs exploded with the coldness of the forest air, her sight was spinning in 3 directions at a time, and her mind was racing with questions she couldn't understand. The only thing she felt that was working in her body right now was her legs.

And thank goodness they were.

Her tired legs that didn't know where they were heading.

But it didn't matter at the moment. Her instinct like an animals; ordered her to stay alive and keep on moving.

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