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Chapter 19~



"Where are you taking me?" Caroline groaned for the sixth time in the 32 minutes they were driving. "We've been driving for what seems like days."

Katherine had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep her from snapping the blondes neck. Plastering a mocking smile on her face, "If i tell you it wouldn't be much more of a surprise, now would it Care-Bear?"

The blonde rolled her eyes scoffing as she sank deeper into her seat, thinking of all the people she would rather be trapped with right now. Sighing, she ran her hand through her golden locks "Can you at least tell me why?" her tone irritated. Glancing sideways, Katherine said nothing, just a small devious smirk on her face.

of course she won't say anything, Caroline thought as she let out a defeated sigh, she's probably to busy planning the rest of the alphabet if plan A doesn't work out..

Just as she closed her eyes she felt the car come to a sudden stop. Her body unwilling bobbed forward almost hitting the wind shield.

She glared up at Katherine, the brunette did nothing but smirked as she pretended to polish her nails. "We're here."

When Caroline lifted her gaze at the place they've stopped at.

With big, neon red letters it read, 'NICKS'

Slamming her door shut, Caroline looked around searching for a familiar path she can flash off too. There were still about 7-8 hours till the sunrise, she could find a way back to the forest and-

"Earth to Blondie." Katherine clapped her hands, making Caroline snap out of her thoughts.

She mentally slapped herself as she left a note in her mind.

leave first. make plan next.

"Thinking of ways to leave already Care-Bear?" Katherine spoke up like she just read her mind. "Huh, here I thought we were finally getting along." She pouted mockingly before her gaze turning more serious. "You and I both know that if you even try to run I'll already be ahead of you."

it was true...

Caroline's eyes narrowed at the smirking brunette in front of her. If looks could kill, Katherine would be dead hours ago...

Sighing in defeat, Caroline licked her lips. "And what about my ring?"


"Daylight ring. You know, a silver circle with a spelled voodoo blue rock in the middle that keeps you from burning alive?" Katherine rolled her eyes at the blondes sarcasm.

"One of Marcels men from the forest took it. I need it back." 

Katherine rolled her eyes "We'll get it tomorrow. Its night anyways," 

"Tomorrow!? I'll burn by 6:00am!" Caroline exclaimed.

"It's either my way, or i snap your neck and shove you in the trunk."

They said nothing but glared at each other for a full 4 minutes before Caroline gave up, "Fine." The blonde grumbled. Katherine gave nothing more than a her mocking smile, "Good. Now follow me."

"Why the bar though?"


"I mean, why are we at the bar? Is there some kind of trap waiting in there or..."

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