Don't Leave...Please

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Aaaaand...I finally updated.

So, so, so sorry for the long wait.

Happy Readings :D


2 Days Later

"Okay, So what we found out is that he will hallucinate his worst fears.." Bonnie said as she entered the room, Elijah close by.

"..if he some how gets hurt in the hallucination...well, it'll feel real.

So, he needs distraction, Its easier for him to have a hallucination when he's in his thoughts."

They had just gotten back from the bar where two witches (Sophie and Celeste) work at.

Bonnie dropped the books on the table, sitting back down exhausted.

"Did you find the spell yet?" Caroline asked with a hopeful tone

Bonnie sighed. "I wish i did Care, but it's not that easy. We're doing the best we can"

Caroline sighed nodding.

"Yes, we are doing what we can. Now where is my brother? I believe you wouldn't just leave him alone."

"Hes actually sleeping...I think. But I'll go check on him." She said as she got up to head upstairs.

"Very well, I will go and see how Hayley is."

Both of them left Kol and Bonnie and silence.

Bonnie didn't have time for Kol at the moment. She's got a spell to find.

"I'll be in my room.."

She got up heading towards the stairs, keeping her eyes on the ground and not even bothering to look up.

All of a sudden she collided with something hard and lost balance.

She felt two strong arms wrapped around her waist; steadying her.

"Whoa there little witch. Next time you should watch where you're going." He winked

She rolled her eyes. "Get out of the way Kol"

She really didn't want to deal with him at the moment...or at all.

"Now, now...Why would I do that?" He smirked and pulled her closer.

She felt herself stop breathing for a second at their close proximity.

She looked up at his chocolate eyes getting lost in them for a second.

snap out of it Bonnie!

She mentally scolded herself.

Shaking her head she tried to walk around him...but failed. She felt herself flushed against his chest again.

Putting her hands on his hard chest and slightly pushing him away.

"Look Kol, I am too tired for your games right now. So It's either you let me go or i make you." She said in a warning tone.

Kol just smirked. "Now, why would i do that? All I wanna do is have a little chat with my little witch."

She knew that tone; He wanted something from her.

She scoffed shaking her head.

well, she was no tool.

"I am not your anything. If you want something from me then you're just gonna have to wait in line like the rest." She scowled

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