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Chapter 3


- Mikaelson Mansion -

Klaus heard a knock on the door, and when he opened it, he saw a smiling Caroline.

"Hey, So i think i might have an idea" she said as she came inside.

"Oh? and what is it?" he smirked

She chuckled nervously as she sat on the couch "I'm serious Klaus, and it's a pretty good idea if i say so myself"

"By all means...explain" he sat next to her, gazing at her.

She got up and walked around a bit. she can't just tell him, she knew he won't let
"Call Everybody here..i want to see what they'll think"

When everybody got there, Hayley was the one in shock.

"Klaus what is She doing here" Hayley said eyeing Caroline.

before Klaus could say anything Caroline cut in
"I am here to help keep Klaus' precious unborn puppy safe, so if you have a problem the door is that way"

Rebekah smirked

"Where were we?" Caroline started again
"Okay, so Klaus mentioned that to do his little plan he needs to keep Marcel distracted, and the funny thing is i've already met Marcel" she smiled and Klaus frowned, growing serious.

"So, i have a plan...he wants to get to know me...So I can be his distraction while you guys do what you need to do."

Klaus felt jealousy boil over him, ready to explode.

"No" Klaus got up "You don't know Marcel like i do Caroline..he will kill you. I promised i won't let anything happen to can i keep my promise if you're with him"

Caroline shook her head
" you want your child safe or not? cause pretty much this is the only option there is. distraction.
He's not that bad..and i can assure you i can take care of myself, you can't always be there to rescue me Klaus."
Elijah smiled at her comment "Thank you Caroline. Truly" she smiled back

Hayley walked up to her "Fine, but If something happens to this child because your plan went wrong, I will snap your neck again" she said in a threatening tone.

Caroline smirked "Honey, just be glad i didn't find you and kill you after the incident with Tyler."
Hayley swallowed hard.

Caroline walked around her and looked at everyone. "So? we have a plan? cause i've agreed to meet Marcel at the bar for drinks. To get to know him better, figure out his weakness and stuff. but.. around him, none of you know me and i don't know you..He'll get suspicious about it"

They all nodded, except Klaus. "Well i think this is a brilliant idea Niklaus" Elijah said "With A pretty Vampire near him like Caroline, he is fully distracted. and that gives us time to figure out his secret weapon"

But all Klaus could think of is his worst enemy touching Caroline. the Jealousy never died down.
"No. Caroline is not going anywhere near him"

"What? Jealous that he might steal her from you Nik?" Rebekah chuckled with a raised brow and he just laughed.

"Of who? Her?" He said amused, trying to cover his feelings up. "no i just think it's a terrible idea" he said carelessly. and right away he regretted those words. he didn't mean them. At all.
He just didn't want anyone to see him like...this. Caring.

Caroline blinked showing no emotion on her face. Ouch that hurt.

"Okay, so how else can i help you Klaus?" she was irritated now.
"I came here to help my friend. if you don't want me to help the only way i can then i'm getting a first class ticket back to mystic falls. Your choice"

He didn't want her to leave. he'd rather have her like that then not have her at all. He sighed closing his eyes "Okay. Fine, But please... be careful"

She scoffed "Thanks."
Not that you care.

she turned her head to the rest of them..
"Just...Do your thing and I'll do mine" she smiled and walked out the door.


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