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- Chapter 17 -


< H A P P Y R E A D I N G S >


Caroline opened her eyes slowly, feeling an ache in her neck. Forcing herself to sit up, but almost instantly she felt something pull her back down.

"What the hell..?" she muttered, her voice hoarse.

"Care?" Bonnies voice echoed through the stony walls.

When Caroline's vision cleared up, she noticed she was in some kind of cold stoned room along with Bonnie, who was across from her. "Bonnie?" She tried to flash over to her friend until something yanked her back; pain shooting through her wrists. She was chained to the wall and so was Bonnie.

Caroline groaned. this is so not happening

"Are you okay?" Caroline asked as she looked at Bonnie.

Bonnie nodded slowly. "I had worse.."

Guilt settled in Carolines stomach. "I'm so sorry Bon. If i wouldn't have called you New Orleans, you wouldn't be in this situation right now and-"

Bonnie furrowed her brows as she interrupted. "Care, It's not your fault.."

"But it is!" Caroline protested "Its my fault you're in this mess in the first place."

Bonnie sighed. "Yes, i came here to help you out. But i also had my own reasons to leave Mystic Falls. Its not your fault, You couldn't possibly know i was going to get kidnapped."

Caroline sighed in defeat before the look of confusion crossed her features. "Wait. Why did you want to leave Mystic Falls? did something happen?"

Bonnie looked down at her chained hands. "It's just... I need space from that place, especially since Jeremy died, even if it was a while ago.." She swallowed hard at the thought of her dead ex- boyfriend. "It's just a constant reminder that i failed; That i couldn't save him. And I..."

"Don't you dare blame yourself Bonnie!" Caroline scolded "..It was a long time ago, and for the hundredth time; Its not your fault! you did all you could." Caroline sighed "But I understand why you needed out. I guess its one of the reasons I'm here too."

Bonnie gave a weak smile nodding slowly, getting lost in her own thoughts.

A comfortable silence settled between them. Carolines eyes wondered around the odd place they were in. It actually looked like some sort of basement. Much larger than the cell in the woods. Her eyes widen, Are they even in New Orleans? But the important question is ... when are they gonna get out? or are they gonna get out? She knows Klaus and the rest of the Mikaelsons have a plan. Because one thing for sure; They still need Bonnie to find and do the spell to cure Klaus. So she knows they'll come sooner or later. 

Klaus. She missed him. Knowing that if she ever saw him again he would probably kill her for going out on her own and walking into a 'death trap'. But she still missed him. Wondering if he had anymore of the hallucinations. But hallucinations or not; she knows they'll come searching soon.

...Or not.

But she won't wait for them to make a plan and strike at the 'right' moment. So in the meantime; It was up to her to at least get Bonnie out. She got her friend in this and she will get her friend out if this. That's a promise she silently made to herself

Sighing, Caroline tried her best to rip the chains from her wrists for  what felt like the hundredth time, but she was too weak. "I'll get us out of here.." Caroline paused looking around the stoned walls; already calculating a plan in her mind. No matter what happens, she needs to at least get Bonnie out of here.

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