Caught In Smoke

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Chapter 20~




The whole place was on fire and the bar was falling into bits. The flames were big, hot, and sight blinding, they came out of no where. splitting across the bar room in between him and the only person he ever truly cared for besides family.

Klaus was squinting through the fiery flames but couldn't spot Caroline anywhere, smoke quickly started to cloud his vision. He flashed over to where she was standing 7 seconds ago, not paying attention to the scorching feeling on his leg. He cried out her name as loud as he could but all he got in response were the shrills of human screams as they ran for their lives.

He searched through the fire until he spotted blonde hair in the corner of the bar that wasn't on fire. Seeing clearer, he saw Carolines face. She looked unconscious but when he saw the flutter of her eyes and a cough escape her lips he felt his insides twist with relief. He tried to flash over there, take her, and get out of this burning hell of a place but to his horror, his legs refused to move as an unbarring pain slit through his brain cells. Crying out, he fell to his knees, feeling the invisible grip on his legs released. He felt his body sizzle with fire, but his only thoughts were focused solely on Caroline. Forcing his legs to stand up, He tried to keep his vision straight as the feeling to faint waved over him.

He knew he'd never find her in the situation he was in. The fire was eating at his skin and the burning place was spinning in his sight. Suddenly he felt a grip around his shoulders and his body was being flown out of the bar. When his head hit the cold cement ground all the physical pain was gone. Only in torture of his mind from the unreal images of Caroline being burned into nothing but ashes flashed through his head.


Snapping his eyes open his feet found the ground, the world was still wavering in his eyes but nothing will stop him from going to find Caroline.

He flashed towards the bar only to be stopped by Kols grip on the collar of his jacket.

"You shouldn't go back there Nik!! You'll burn!...again!" The loudness of Kols voice rang through the air, but all he could pay attention to are the flames that were burning the place into -soon to be- ashes.

"I won't die!! Caroline will!!" Klaus shouted back angrily as he struggled to get free from Kols and now,.. Elijah's grip.

"It's best if you stay here Niklaus. This is some sort of trap. If you step foot in there, you might never make it out.!"

"Let.Go." Klaus snarled. Freeing from their grip he flashed straight forward to the bar, only to be knocked back by the force that stopped him from entering. Getting up, he angrily once more tried to get through whatever he was backed by but the invisible force wouldn't let him go within 5 feet towards the burning bar.

"NO!!!" He yelled as he banged on the invisible wall. But his endless trying, banging, and screaming helped with nothing as he watched the whole place explode like a giant volcano.

Before he could be blasted by the eruption himself, his body was zooming backwards into the woods and slammed into the grassy ground.

"No." Klaus whispered as his nails dug into the dirt of the earth. The exploding fire reflected in his eyes as he stared with pure horror and disbelief. He was struggling; physically with the hard grips holding him back and mentally with trying to accept that this was actually happening. When nothing else but burned black ash was left of the place, he threw his brothers off of him. "Caroline!!" His whole mind just went blank. This couldn't be real. He didn't believe that she didn't make it out. He knew she did.

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