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Enjoyyy :->


Klaus was in the ally by the bar as he was draining the second body dry.

He was upset.

upset that he felt this way.

She was leaving without even a proper goodbye, and he was still here, still hurt.

But so far this has been quite a distraction.

and all he could think about right now is blood, blood and blood.

He forced his mouth out of the young girls flesh and watched her as she fell onto the floor lifeless.

He smiled as he licked the remaining blood off his chin.

suddenly he heard his phone buzz.

"Elijah, What is it now?" he frowned

"There is a serious problem with Rebekah, Niklaus She is not answering her phone and she is no where to be found. I was hoping that she might be in your company."

Klaus shrugged.

"I'm sorry to disappoint brother, but i haven't seen Bekah since yesterday."

Elijah sighed deeply.

"We need to find her Niklaus, We were supposed to meet 2 hours ago to see Davina. Something must have happen-"

Elijah paused for a long moment until he spoke again.

"Niklaus come home. Right Now!"

And the line went dead.

Klaus heard panic and concern in Elijahs voice,

So it must be something serious.

He quickly cleaned up his mess. and flashed over to the mansion.


Mikaelson mansion- basement

As Elijah opened the old cell door he lost his words.

"Niklaus come home. Right now!"

and with that he ended the call.

He was terrified at what he saw.

Rebekah was lying on the ground, looking all gray and lifeless,

But he still heard blood rushing through her veins.

she was still alive.

He sighed relieved as he bent down and put his palm against her cheek.

"Oh, Rebekah who did this to you?...and how?"

"It was pretty easy actually, I'm a really strong and powerful witch"

He heard a young feminine voice as it got closer.

"Davina?" He couldn't believe a 16 year old witch can put down an Original. She would have to be dead by now.

"What do you want?" He stood up walking towards her.

"All of you dead!" She shouted as she lifted up her hand.

He quickly fell on his knees with his hands on the sides of his head.

"I might not be able to actually kill you but I'll make sure you all suffer" She said.

Elijah yelled out in pain.

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