Just A Masquerade.

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Chapter 6•

Thank You all for the votes and reading this Fic so far.

Enjoy! :D


Caroline woke up from her nap, She couldn't help but fall back asleep after Rebekah left.
I mean who wakes up at 7am these days right?

She checked her watch; 11:08
great, after 5 hours i have to be at the bar already

But she decided to come earlier...So it wouldn't look like she's been stalking him, all though she kinda has..well Is.

Though he was "bad" she still felt a little guilty. and she didn't know why.

She took a quick shower, got dressed and as well did her make up.
she was ready. but before she went to the bar and shopping For a dress.. she had to make a quick stop at the Mikaelsons to understand when exactly they need him distracted at the ball and the rest of the details.

She had no idea how was she supposed to face Klaus though...it seemed like every time he looked at her he was gonna burn holes through her by just staring.

She sighed walking out of the house. She has much to do before she showed up at the bar. So much.

She quickly walked her way up to the Mikaelson mansion.

On her way walking up the crowded streets she recognized a familiar face talking the the vampire that tried compelling her days ago.
Crap. Marcel.

what if he noticed her. Cause she had it all planned out; Going to the bar, Putting up a flirting act, and then get invited,. and she didn't feel like flirting at the moment. she needed to hide. now.

She turned around and flashed into the some kind of store near by; Checking out the window if he's gone...nope.

All of a sudden there was a tap on her shoulder and she flinched turning around.

She didn't expect to see this person out here.

"Klaus! What are you doing here!?" She almost yelled out startled.

but his grin just got wider.
"Well love, I'm buying what is always needed; liquor"

Only then she noticed bottles and bottles of all types of alcohol everywhere in the shop.

"The question is..What are you doing here" He took a step closer and she blinked.

"Well..Um, I was just on my way to your place, until i saw Marcel"
She looked out the window again.
Great. not only he's still there but I'm also stuck with Klaus...Could this day get any worse?
She thought.

"Hiding from someone?" Klaus raised a brow smiling.

She turned her attention back to him.
"Well i did try to avoid you too, but karma is karma." She replied in a snarky tone and he chuckled

"I heard you'll be going to the ball with Marcel"
He said as a pang of jealousy hit him hard on the chest,
that she'll be dancing with Marcel and not him.

she didn't miss the sad tone in his voice. wait sad?
she crossed her arms looking out again.
"Ya well, My choice was to help...and this is the only way I can"

"Well what can I say.. You did fool me when you were my little distraction" He faked a smile like it was nothing.

She looked back at him this time with a guilty look playing on her face.
"Well on the bright side I'm not pretending anymore." she half smiled trying to lighten up the mood.
he just gazed at her trying to figure out if it was the truth.
She sighed
"No one made me be your friend Klaus, I just know  there is a better side of you than how you make yourself be"

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