Welcome To New Orleans

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Chapter 2 :)

When Caroline got there, she decided to rent a place to stay in. Despite giving away half of her savings, it was the only choice, because there's no way she would stay with Klaus and his crazy family. After quickly unpacking her belongings, she realized that there was still 2 hours to kill before meeting up with Klaus. Great. Exploring the foriegn city wouldn't hurt anyone.

She headed down to Bourbon street. Music was playing, people were everywhere, and it was something about the atmosphere and the rush that made it even more amazing. She took her time hustling along with the moving crowd. From street paintings to musicians to magicians, she couldn't get the smile off her face. God, did she wish Bonnie was here to see this. Or at least she wanted someone to experience this with her.

She came to a stop outside the bar and decided to call Klaus, just to let him know she was here already. Dialing his number, the blonde was already mentally preparing herself. She felt self conscious for some reason. Which was stupid, because it's just Klaus.
The rings sounded too loud in her ear and went on for too long.
And he didn't pick up.
Ugh! She really did hate this man.

She sent him a text that she already arrived and put her phone in her pocket. Just then she felt a threatening presence behind her. A werewolf ? A witch ? Before she even got the chance to turn around, she was forced against a brick wall, away from peering eyes and listening ears.

"You won't scream or move," The vampire said through heavy breaths, trying to compel her - obviously.

"Watch me," She kicked him in the crotch and snapped his neck in a blink of an eye. He fell to the ground lifeless. He was a very young vampire, probably just transitioned not long ago. Dusting her self off, Caroline turned to walk away, when a deep, male voice stopped her.

"Well, well, well," He spoke. "What do we have here."

She turned to face the man; chocolate skin, tall, and a huge toothy grin was what greeted her. He started walking toward her but she backed away.

"Don't need to worry, princess. I won't hurt you." He chuckled.

"Princess?" She raised a brow. "I don't like pet names."

"My apologies then," He said, "For both." Then glanced at the unconscious young vampire. "It's just he's new and I needed him to learn how to compel properly. Seems he chose the wrong target."

She scowled. "Well sorry to disappoint. But next time, keep him on a tighter leash or it won't be just a snapped neck." She threatened, gave him a once-over and turned her back to leave.

He flashed in front of her. So close she could smell smoke and sage from his jacket. "Well, princess, I hate to break it to you but I don't take orders. You see, I own New Orleans, which means I give the orders here. So don't ever do that again."

She crossed her arms, trying to still her nerves. "Oh really? Well, I hate to break it to you, but I really don't give a damn who you are. So that won't work on me," She gave her best petty smile and, this time, flashed into the bar.

Meanwhile, the man stood there, amused. Grinning from ear to ear, he couldn't help but think the encounter was refreshing.
Feisty, he thought, I like that.

After giving it a minute, he walked over to the bar that the blonde vampire dissapeared in.

After the whole encounter with the vampires, Caroline needed a drink. Taking a seat at the bar chair, she noticed how cozy the place was. Small too. Only one bartender and a few customers at the tables. Eyes going over all the bottles, she decided to get something light.

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