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Chapter 25*

Thanks to all who still read this fic and who've been patient with my bipolar updates.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. :)

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A loud sound of a door slamming is what broke Klaus and Caroline apart.
A grumbling voice and loud stomps of footsteps against the hardware floor is what had them know that it was Kol.
And that meant Bonnie was awake.

Oh, my God.

Carolines eyes widened as she scrambled out of bed. "Bonnie's awake!"

"And in despair." Klaus replied with a sigh.

Carolines brows furrowed in confusion, then she directed her vampire senses to focus on the sounds in Kols room. The blonde felt her heart break a little when she heard her best friend's muffled sobs.

Then she remembered the loud sound of a slamming door and the last person who left that room. Carolines eyes narrowed at Klaus with anger blazing in them. "If Kol did or said something to her..." She trailed off, thinking of ways she could tear an Original apart.

Klaus, though, looked more amused about it. Already on his feet and striding towards the blonde, he smirked. "I'm guessing you're fully aware that it was his blood that turned her. Brought her back to life. So, I truly don't see the logic of my baby brother hurting her now. Well, not purposely at least."

Caroline chewed on her bottom lip, clearly seeing his point. Strong arms enveloped her small form, pulling her close. She let the radiating warmth of the closeness of Klaus' body calm down her jumping nerves and racing thoughts. Feeling a breeze of a kiss on the crown of her head, Caroline sighed.

"Give her five minutes at the least, to set her thoughts straight," Klaus spoke into her hair. "To understand her surrounding."

"Fine. Five minutes." She gave a slight nod, cheek rubbing against the hardness of his chest.

But the blonde barely stayed in Klaus' embrace for fourty seconds till she pulled away and looked up at him. "You know what? If she needs to set her emotions straight, then she'll have to do it with me. You, on the other hand," pointing a finger at him, Caroline spoke seriously. "Can go talk to Kol."

Before Klaus could protest, the stubborn baby vampire was already out of the room, whooshing off in seconds.

Shaking his head, the hybrid couldn't help but let a wide smile grace his features.

He didn't think that he'd ever get enough of her firey spirit.
Or just her in general.


Bonnie was still face-buried in the pillow, suffocating in her own tears and all the heighten emotion she felt. That's when the door opened and shut too quietly for even her to hear. And right that moment, she knew who it was.

"Hey," Caroline's voice whispered, but still somehow sounded loud in the echo of the walls.

The Bennett felt a giant wave of relief wash over her of hearing her best friend's voice. Her best friend- who was actually alive.

Before she could fully sit up and face the blonde, a pair of arms were already tightly wrapping around her neck with such force that it rocked both of them back a little. Bonnie let out a small laugh -that really just led her on to cry more, and hugged back fiercely.

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