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If your all wondering if I gave up on this fic; I have not. Lol

It has been a busy month.

So it might take longer to update  :/



"Hello little witch"

Bonnie stood there with two raised brows and bags by her side.

She didn't have time to reply as Caroline rushed in and squeezed her tightly.

"Is everything okay Care?"Caroline nodded as Bonnie walked in.

"Why is Kol here? when you said that the Mikaelsons are half dead i assumed he was as well"

She gave Kol an annoyed look.

He put a hand over his chest faking a pout. "You wound me darling. And here I thought you actually liked me"

Bonnie rolled her eyes "Well you thought wrong"

Kols eyes roamed her body.

sexy little witch

Bonnie seemed to notice and felt a blush creeping in.

Caroline felt the tension grow between them, and how uncomfortable Bonnie was.

Clearing her throat;

"It's just nice to see some normal people again"

She looked over to Bonnie and then glared at Kol; Who kept his gaze on Bonnie with a smirk on his face.

Bonnie noticed his creepy glaring didn't seem to stop.

"Do you want to take a picture? or are you just gonna stare at me all day?" She crossed her arms

He smirked. "Feisty, aren't we? I like feisty"

Bonnie just rolled her eyes and turned her attention back on Caroline.

"Can you show exactly what you need help with?"

Caroline didn't get a chance to reply as Kol stepped in front of the witch, And heard her heart beat faster.

He raised a brow and his smirk got wider when he saw that he made her nervous.

"Right this way darling" He motioned toward the stairs not moving yet.

Bonnie sighed as she walked around him and followed Caroline up.

Kol watched them leave upstairs with a smirk on his face.

This is going to be fun.

Then flashed after them.


"Davina said that the Originals will wake up eventually, but Klaus on the other hand; will have hallucinations...which will probably get him want to kill himself or something. I just don't know if there's a way they can be stopped, So that's why i called you here. Because you know everything, and you said you would help. So will you help?"

Caroline finished rambling as They entered a large room where the Originals were placed for the time.

Bonnie sighed. "I still don't get why you care. But if it means to you that much; I'll help. But i won't make any promises"

Caroline smiled big at her friend.

"Thank you Bon, It means  a lot. I owe you"

Bonnie walked to where Elijah laid.

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