My Tears

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Chapter 10~


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Caroline spotted Klaus as she came closer to the bar door.

Ok. just act normal.

But as she opened the door she saw some girl in Klaus' lap.. kissing. she saw bite marks on the girls neck assuming she's human.

She felt like someone took a wooden stake and plunged it through her heart more than a million times.

She felt her eyes watering.

but she blinked until they were gone.

She won't dare to cry in front of him.

Yes, it hurts...really bad And yes, he does have a right to make out with who he wants but...

How could he!?

especially after everything he said to her?

She bit her tongue so she wouldn't say something she'll regret.

She took a deep breath as she walked over to him.

"Ahem.." She cleared her throat.

He pulled away smirking, but she sworn that she saw some kind of sadness in his eyes.

The girl scowled "Go away...we're busy"

Caroline scoffed as she took The very young girl by her shoulder and started to compel her.

"Go home, You don't remember any of this"

The girl got up and left in confusion.

Klaus' smirk got bigger. "Jealous love?"

She scoffed. "No." Lie "You are not my boyfriend to be jealous about"

He frowned a bit. "Then why did you send her away? we were having so much fun."

She made a disgusted face. "Oh I'm sure" But she didn't sit down.

"But we do need to talk before I leave New Orleans."

He looked pained.

"But It's not like you care, since you have your own company" She turned her head to the direction that human girl left off to.

How could he just go out and make out with a bunch of compelled humans after he admitted his feeling for her?

So much for being a last love,

she thought.

Reading her expression he sighed. "I'm sorry love, but i needed to forget for a while...I needed distraction." He said trying to make her understand.

She just shook her head. "No. I don't care who you sleep with. But for some reason It hurts me...a lot and I don't know why. Cause It would be so much easier to just hate you right now then have these feelings for you.

Though I'm leaving anyways, so just forget it all...and me.

But you know?.. i knew from the start that we could never work...especially now. so it would be best if we just forgot this all happened."

It pained her to say these words but it was for the best.

was it?

Their eyes locked for a moment.

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