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Chapter 24*



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Caroline let an anxious puff of breath escape her lips as her grip on Klaus' hand tightened. Her head was currently on his bare, toned chest and her hands wrapped around his limb ones.

It's passed over an hour since the whole accident at the old witch house and Klaus still showed no sign of waking up. But Caroline knew he will soon. He had too.

Same went for Bonnie.

Oh God, Caroline sighed.

She still can't bring herself to believe that her best friend is a Vampire. Well, in transition to be one that is. Her biggest worry was that Bonnie won't choose to finish it.

That she'll pick mortal death over...technically, being dead while living in an immortal body for the rest of your bloodlusting life.

But whatever choice the witch will make, Caroline will have to respect it even if one of those choices will most likely break her heart on a new level.

Caroline wanted to be there for her best friend when she woke up. She was actually sitting at her side until Eighteen minutes ago when Kol stepped in and said that he'll keep watch.

That he wanted to. Because he felt responsible.

Well, in truth; he was. It was because of him she was in transition.

But it was also because of him that she was still alive and not actually dead.

She couldn't blame him for that.

But despite him saying he only felt responsibility...something told Caroline that it was more than just that. Something more was going on between Kol and Bonnie. But Caroline was going to let her best friend wake up first and tell her about it before making any further assumptions.

Without noticing, her hold on Klaus' hands tightened. He was the anchor that Caroline desperately held onto midst all the unrealistic situations that happened. That of them went through.

She was just happy that the hallucination spell is broken and that Klaus was okay.

Now all there was left to do was wait till-

Her train of thoughts was interrupted by being lurched right up along with the body beside her that was choking for air.

Klaus was awake.

And in mere seconds, she was up on her knees right in front of his shaking form.

Taking his frantically gasping face into her hands, Caroline tried to soothe the speeding blood under his flesh by caressing the skin of his flushed cheeks.

"Shh," she whispered. "Klaus.."

Klaus' eyes widened the second their eyes connected. His hands immediately reaching up, covering her own. "C-Caroline." He rasped, sitting upright. "I had thought- she...said..." He let that sentence hang before letting out a breath. "I'd lost you."

Tears sprung in the blondes eyes. She didn't know just how much she missed his voice until that very moment.

"You didn't." She smiled. "I'm fine, really. It's you I'm worried about."

His breathing had slowed to normal, and the color of his cheeks had returned. Klaus let out what sounded like a chuckle with a sigh of relief. His hands entangled from hers and reached up to her face, caressing her cheeks. He looked at her with awe and disbelief. "As long as you're alright, I'll always be fine."

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