Just A Drink

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Chapter 4•

Just A Drink~



Caroline walked in the bar and spotted Marcel sitting alone, talking to the bartender.

She quickly strode over there and sat on the empty chair near him.

"And I thought you wont show up"

He spoke up noticing her near.

"Well, I am new here. You can get bored pretty fast in a place you don't know"

she smiled and he chuckled

"Oh princess, you just haven't seen it yet"

She turned her head, facing him

"Why do you call me princess?"

He smiled "You look like one. You know,.. Pretty face.. blonde hair.. Strong attitude"

She laughed a little blushing. "Thanks? I guess. but I'm far..far from being a princess"

He raised a brow "How so?"

"Oh, you know...just fangs and blood thirst, like... all the time"

He laughed whole heartily

"Your funny...you know that right?"

"That i know." She chuckled as he smiled

"So?..can i get you a drink?" Marcel asked smirking

She looked at him for a moment.

Remembering when Klaus always asked her that.

"Sure..why not" she smiled


2 hours..

2 hours Caroline was with Marcel in the bar talking, laughing, drinking.

She had to admit..it was fun, but she felt tense when she heard a familiar voice.

"Ah, Marcel" A British accent said from behind.


Marcel turned his head to Klaus and gave him a handshake smiling wide.

She turned her stool to face him as well.

"Klaus this is Caroline.

Caroline this is Klaus." Marcel introduced them.

He nodded giving a kiss on her hand.

"A pleasure meeting you...Caroline" he smirked wickedly

She snatched her hand away.

"I'm sure it is...Klaus"

she faked smiled.

Still a little hurt of what he said earlier that day.

Marcel's smile got bigger.

"Ya..She's not friendly at first" He joked

and Caroline smacked his shoulder. and Marcel laughed.

"Well you're nice" sarcasm in her voice

Klaus' urge to rip out Marcels heart grew more and more. His jaw clenched.

"So, did you want something?"

Klaus put a wide smile. Then he heard Rebekahs voice.

"Yes actually. You were supposed to meet me an hour ago. But i see.." She paused scanning Caroline with a jealous look "..You kept yourself occupied." She scowled

"Bekah..I'm sorry, It just Slipped my mind." Marcel explained

Klaus gave Caroline a little nod, Saying that they don't need her here anymore.

Caroline got up from her chair smiling as she turned her head to Marcel.

"It was fun" She said genuinely "But.." she looked down at her watch "I have things to do. Like shopping." She chuckled

"Maybe we can do this again sometime" Marcel said with a little hope in his voice.

"Maybe we can" She nodded walking out to the street. feeling Klaus' gaze on her.

after Minutes of walking down the streets, enjoying the fresh air, closing her eyes...She felt herself moved by wind and her back pressed against something hard.

when she opened her eyes she found herself against a wall in a large house...a different one, with Klaus in front of her.

"What the hell Klaus!" she said as he let go of her waist and she stepped away.

"I just needed to talk where no one could see or hear us" He explained

She sighed "You couldn't just have asked me?"

"You and I both know what you would say"

He said and she nodded

"Fair enough. So what do you want?" She crossed her arms leaning back against the wall

"Whats wrong Caroline?" He asked "What did i do this time that you hate me again?"

She closed her eyes shaking her head

"What are you talking about?"

"Why is it that every time i try to talk you flinch away like I'm gonna burn you?" He said and she didn't answer.

"Why are you ignoring me, Caroline?" He took a step closer

She let out a breath "I'm not ignoring you Klaus, I just know that.." She paused "..I'm just trying to stay focused on the plan."

He laughed, "Yes, I can see that. How cozy you and Marcel are getting." He looked down, Jealousy rising up again.

She scoffed rolling her eyes, "Well it's not like you care anyways."

He looked up at her with a serious look in his face.

you have no idea how much i care.

he thought.

"Why did you come here and help?.. And don't start with the Tyler excuse. I know there's something more to it." He smirked

She was irritated now.

"Ok. So it wasn't all because of Tyler. I want to start over, My life and Everything else. After you become king and all your plans have worked out, I will start a life somewhere else...This is just a head start."

She paused looking up, Their eyes locking

"...So excuse me if i want to help a friend first"

She said walking to the door ignoring the hurt look in his eyes

"So just friends huh?" He said making her pause and turn to face him.

she did want them to be something more, but she new that will never happen. he has a new life, he's moved on. It was her turn to move on..From Mystic Falls, Her old life, Everything.

she was serious about leaving somewhere else after helping him.

"We cant be anything more even if we wanted too" she answered, not showing emotion.

and with that she walked out leaving Klaus alone.

'even if we wanted too.'

He smiled slightly,..She wanted too.


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