Plan B

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•Chapter 15•

Thanks for all the nice comments and votes ya'll. It means ALOT! <3 :-* :D

Happy Readings :)))


1 hour later

Mikealson Mansion

Caroline was pacing around the room nonstop.

She couldn't think straight. Thoughts about what might happen to Bonnie, always wondered back to her mind.

"What are we gonna do Nik?" Rebekah turned her gaze away from Caroline to her brother.

"Simple. We need a plan." Klaus shrugged

"We have no time for your plans Nik! Marcel might kill her for revenge, and we still need her."

Klaus sighed heavily as he opened his mouth to reply but got interrupted by Caroline scowling.

"No. I'm not going to wait till you make up some plan, If we don't think of something right now, then I'm going after her myself." Caroline growled in a demanding voice.

Klaus narrowed his eyes at her, not happy. "If you go out there by yourself love, your witch friend, will not only be the one in need of a rescue."
He sighed.
"And besides. We need to think carefully on this. Marcel may be an idiot but he's not easily fooled, he always has a back up plan. I'm pretty sure he knows we're coming, but we need to figure this out the right way." He looked from Rebekah to Caroline.
"Wouldn't want you getting in a death trap, now, would we.?"

Caroline scoffed crossing her arms over her chest. "I can handle myself."

"I never said that you couldn't, love. I just don't want you out there.."

"Seriously!? She is my best friend! I will go out there if i want too.."

She poked him in the chest angrily.

"..And not even you or your 'think carefully plan crap' will stop me." She whispered harshly.

Klaus smirked as he cupped her hand in his.
Typical stubborn Caroline

Not sure if he was angry or turned on...

"Oh, Enough of this! You can jump each other like bunnies later. But right now, we have a witch to save."
Rebekah interrupted.

Caroline felt heat up her cheeks. Averting her gaze from his, she snatched her hand away, taking a step back.
Clearing her throat.

"Do any of you by chance know where Marcel even is?.."
She looked between the siblings.

Rebekah was the first to answer.

"I contacted Elijah not a while ago. He's not sure but he thinks they're in one of the cells in the cemetery"

Klaus rolled his eyes at this.

Meanwhile a small smirk appeared on Carolines lips as she felt a light bulb light up just above her head.

But one thing for sure...she couldn't tell Klaus. Cause if he found out what she was about to do, he would probably lock her in the basement.

Caroline cleared her throat.

"Well, do you have a...a plan?"
She looked over to Rebekah

"No. But I'm pretty sure Elijah does, He will be here soon."

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