The Risk

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Chapter 22*

Enjoy :D

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"I'll go." Were the words that stumbled out of Bonnie's mouth before she could even process when they came to mind.

The four vampires surrounding her snapped their attention on the witch with questioning -but mostly surprised- stares.

"What?" Bonnie eyed each of them, "As If you haven't already noticed, I'm the only one that can actually get in that house."

"Good thinking Bon-Bon," Katherine spoke up, faking enthusiasm. Moving her legs toward the witch, she smirked. "You can use your witchy powers to kill them all so we can step in and rescue Elijah's pathetic excuse of a brother."

Rebekah snarled at the comment, flashing in front of the doppelganger, "Watch your mouth before-"

"Calm yourself Rebekah," Elijah interrupted. Facing his sibling, he stepped in between the two vampires. "You wouldn't want to do anything rash now, sister."

The blonde scoffed, "The only rash thing I'm doing is letting her breathe."

"Can we get back to the main subject and get this mission-impossible thing over with?" Katherine sighed, showing her boredom clearly with her tone. Glancing back at the blonde original, the Petrova crossed her arms over her chest. "Because i believe i wasn't compelled to be here to just stand and listen to your annoying babbling."

Elijah sent Katherine a deadly glare, making her want to cower back and hide. Instead, she rolled her eyes and raised her hands in defeat, taking a step back. "Just saying."

Bonnie, watching this rivarly with wide eyes, knew that with the Originals and Katherine nothing will ever be decided. But her chain of thoughts was soon broken by the sudden speed of wind and change of ground.

She let a little startled yelp escape her mouth, not noticing Kol, who was right in front of her and had both his hands on her upper arms. What Bonnie did notice though, was that she was now practically a mile away from the three arguing vampires and standing fairly close to the original she despises most. Or at least wants to despise most.

Bonnie didn't understand what Kol needed from her but the look he was giving her confused her, sending shivers up her spine. But before she could bring herself to angrily ask him what is it the hell he wants, Kol spoke up first.

"No." He said, looking straight into her green eyes.

"'No' ?" Bonnie's brows scrunched with confusion. After all, Kol was never the 'one word' type of guy. "I don't understand."

And as if he wasn't up in her personal space, Kol took another dangerous step closer, lessening the space between them even more. Bonnie's breath hitched and she could hear herself swallow the bulge of nervousness that was rising in her throat.

"I won't let you walk into a house of two dozen witches by your bloody self." Kol said in a low voice, "It's too dangerous and too big of a risk."

The witch scoffed, creating a distance between them again. "Since when do you give a damn to what happens to me?"

Then, shaking her head, Bonnie raised her hands to stop whatever Kol was going to say. Because she knew exactly why. She was useful to them. She had to stay alive because she was still of use. "Never mind. That's not even the point. I may not be a vampire but I sure as hell can find a way to stay alive." she stared up at the Mikaelson with a daggering look. "I can defend myself." Giving Kol one last deadly glare, Bonnie made her turn to walk away. Away from him.

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