Nothing Happened

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Here's my update..




I have a headache.

Caroline groaned as she awoke.

She has spent half of the night crying...trying to figure out what she feels.

Ugh! I sound like Elena with the Salvatore dilemma.

She sighed tiredly placing her hands on the sides of her head.

hoping that the Mikaelsons don't have a distraction job for her today, but she doubts that.

she's really not in the mood though.

But she thought through the other night...

That she's gonna pretend like nothing least for now.

Yup. when she goes over there she will pretend like nothing happened at all.

Cause It will only create tension between them and it'll only be awkward.

She may pretend in public but when she's alone...she tries to decide what to do.

she can't just live her life like this forever; running away from her problems, Hiding away her feelings, Being scared of what her friends might think.

She touched her lips lightly. Her lips still burned from the kiss.

Though she doesn't have to decide right now.

And she won't...for now.

But she has to decide sooner or later.

So she picked later, Cause that headache won't let her think straightly.

Her phone buzzed cutting her out of her thoughts.

Rebekah: Get your arse here now and fix your makeup on your way. we need you to distract Marcel ASAP.

"Ugh!!" She groaned loudly while flopping back into bed.


Mikaelson Mansion

Klaus couldn't think straight.

that kiss didn't leave his mind.

She did kiss him back, he felt it.

He knows that she only denies him because she is scared of what she could possibly feel.

or maybe she's just scared of what her friends would think.

He scoffed.

Friends. Ya right.

But he wasn't gonna let it bother him.

He has a bottle full of bourbon waiting for him at the bar.

Why can't he just forget her? Why is this feeling over powering him wh-

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door.

He opened to see Caroline with a smile but as soon as they made eyes contact her perfect smile was gone.

"Caroline. what brings you over here?"

She entered the house.

"Marcel duty" She shrugged sitting down. He gave a nod.

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