All The Help We Need

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Happy Readings :3



What is he doing here?

Her phone slipped out of her hand and clattered loudly on the ground as the noise echoed through the walls.


Soon she found herself pinned against the wall.

Kols expression went from killer to confusion.

"Niks obsession?" He loosen her grip but kept his hand around her neck.

"What are you doing here?"

No it didn't hurt her...

She just couldn't breathe.

"Well...If you go..i might able explain what ha-happened"

He let go of her and stepped back crossing his hands, His eyes never leaving her.

"Well, Darling..I'm waiting"

She rubbed her neck.

she could practically feel his stare.

"You might want to actually look behind you"

She motioned her hand.

He turned around as all his amusement faded from his face.

"What the bloody hell happened!?"

He bent down to Rebekah.

She sighed "I'd like to know so myself. That's why Bonnie's getting here soon"

He turned his attention back to her.

"The witch? what does she have to do with anything?"

"A witch did this, so Bonnie might help.

Because none of them are waking up...i tried."

Kol nodded slowly, getting lost in his thoughts.

"All though may i ask again...what are you doing here?"

She took a deep breath.

"Lets just say that i came to help your brothers by playing a distraction for Marcel. And when they got what they needed i was planning to leave, but now..."   She waved her hand over the situation.

Kol chuckled a bit as he stood up. "So you got to play the blonde distraction again? Well i got to admit..I'd be distracted as well" he smirked a his eyes raked over her body

She shuddered uncomfortably

"Ugh. You are such a perv"  She said as she smacked his shoulder.

"But don't you think that we should put them into a less creepier place than this?"

Kol eyed her.

"Yes, we will. but lets get one thing straight here.." He stepped closer growing a serious expression.

"..I don't trust you. If you are willing to help Nik and my family then I'll reconsider killing you. But If its one of your schemes to kill us again, then you better watch your back darling."

She scoffed. "Seriously? Calling Bonnie to figure this out and help isn't enough proof that i care? Cause if I'd want them dead I'd leave without even blinking twice. I might help them, but lets get one thing straight here...i will not be pushed around by some cocky perverted original!"

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