Stopping By Bourbon St.

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Hey, this is a new fanfic about Caroline going to NOLA

(I own nothing)

- New Orleans Mikaelson Mansion -

Klaus, sitting in his office, was thinking about his plan to take Marcel down, when Elijah came in.

"Niklaus," His brother knowledged. Then, "I know that look on your face..."

"What look, dear brother?"

"That look; do tell me, what have you plotted this time?"

Klaus smirked. Oh he has a lot planned but he'll need to think this through the smart way.

"It's still in the process. But I do have some news for you-"

"I know," Elijah interrupted. "Marcel knows about Hayley and the baby."

Klaus chuckled. "Ah yes, how can I forget. You know everything and everyone."But while you were trying to impress the little wolf, I made up a little plan of my own. Though I'll need help, the kind that isn't from here." He paused, getting up from his chair and walking to the window.

"I actually planned on calling Stefan, but last i heard, he left Mystic Falls. So, I called another one of my friends; Caroline." He smirked remembering their conversation. She's still the same fired-up Caroline.

"And she has agreed to help, if I won't kill Tyler after his little visit here. She'll be here tomorrow, So expect her to come."

"Niklaus, does this have anything to do with the fact that you are in love with the girl?" Elijah raised a brow.

Klaus' smile faded. "I don't know what you are talking about 'Lijah, I never loved her." he said coldly.

"Yes, I may care for her...much. But I am not in love with her." He tried his best to convince Elijah. Yet it seemed like he was trying to convince himself.

Elijah smiled as he got up. "Whatever you say brother." He walked out the room.

Klaus closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

No, he does not love her. Nope. Not one bit.

She'd never love him back anyways. Theirs no point to love someone who doesn't love you.

- Mystic Falls, Carolines Apartment -

(2 hours earlier)

Caroline got her new apartment weeks ago and she just finished unpacking her room decorations. Only her clothes left. She wiped sweat off her forehead.

She was supposed to be in college and start her new college single life, but everything just changed somehow. With all the crap going on at the Whitmore college, she doesn't want to risk getting exposed as a vampire.
Nonetheless, she was starting a new life. She needed a fresh start. Especially since her break-up with Tyler.

Just as she sat down, the phone rang. She groaned

"Seriously? Can a girl ever get some peace?!"

She picked up her cell. "Yes!?" she practically yelled.

"Looks like I've called at the wrong timing. Are you alright, love?"

The blonde froze at the voice, and remembered that she forgot to check who was calling. "Klaus?"

"Who else would it be?" She could feel him smirking his devilish smirk.

She sighed. "Well, I didn't exactly expect you to call...ever."

"Ouch. now that hurt."

"What do you want Klaus? Cause I was trying to concentrate, and you're not helping."

She heard him chuckle again. Was she a joke to him or something?

"Well, I actually called for your help."

This time she was the one laughing. "My help? When did the big bad hybrid ever need my help?"

"I tried calling Stefan but I heard that he fled town after Elena chose Damon. So that leads me to you, we are friends...are we not?" There was some kind of pleading in his tone.

"Yes, we are friends." She sighed. "So what do you need again?"

"I need you to come to New Orleans and help me take down an enemy of mine."

Silence filled the room as her mouth gaped and shut in a single momen. "Me? Help take down your enemies? Are you sure you didn't mix up numbers?"

He laughed. "Believe me Caroline, you're the only one that can help me most. And i promise, nothing will happen to you. So what do you say?" He sounded serious this time.

Caroline sighed. "Klaus...I-I don't know if this is a good idea."

"If you help me out, I'll spare your mutt the next time I see him. And, believe me, I would love to end his petty little life already."

There was silence for a few minutes. Sure, Tyler left her...and broke her heart. But she still cares for him as a friend.

"Fine, I'll go. I still have nothing better to do here anyway."

"Perfect. I'll see you tomorrow love," And with that he hung up.

The blonde vampire sighed as she dropped her phone on the table. Her eyes traveled to her yet-unpacked suitcase. Good thing she didn't unpack her clothes.

New Orleans, here I come.

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