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Chapter 23*

Enjoy :))))

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Kol heard Elijahs phone buzz in his suit pocket as he stood a mile away from everyone else, and one foot of space from the invisible barier that he still couldnt pass through.

Probably Bonnie, Kol guessed bitterly to himself, informing my dear brother that Nik is still alive and well.

Another buzz sounded from Elijahs phone and Kol couldnt get why it bothered him so much that Bonnie ignored his texts but answered Elijahs less than two seconds.

But either way, he was glad to know that she was still alive at the least.

He silently cursed the stupid barier along with these unwanted feelings, hating just how desperate he felt of the need to get passed this bloody wall.

And not because Nik was in some sort of 'danger'. Kol mentally scoffed,

God knows the bastard never dies.

But because. . .Bonnie. He needed to know she was alright at least.

It was all he could think about at the moment.

Bonnie bloody Bennett.

What spell did you put on me?

Kol didn't understand why he felt all of these emotions. Because, for one, he barely even knew the witch. So how was it possible that he felt the need to not only protect her, but just be there with her.

The frustration, guilt, and the rest of whatever feelings he felt, piled up in Kols chest like a volcano ready to errupt. He didnt know that his knuckles were fisted till prickles of blood drew from his palm.

Taking a steady breath, Kol tried to calm himself. But the thought of what might happen next made him lose it. Of what might happen after the next part.

Before he knew it, his fist swiftly drew back and hit the barier with all his vampire strength, plus the heightened frustration he felt. The ear-booming noise rang so loudy in the air that the rest of the three vampires turned their attention to the younger Original.

"Whats up with you?" Rebekah nodded towards Kol. Katherine just snorted, "Well, If you ask me, it just looks like anger problems run in the family."

"And that is why no one asked for your opinion, Katherine." Elijah said, sending her a deadly glare. The Petrova rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her tangled mess of auburn curls.

Looking over at Kol cautiously, Elijah Knew it wasn't just anything that caused that little scene. Especially with the blood that was dripping from his fisted hands. "Brother? Are you alright."

"Just bloody peachy, 'Lijah." Once he felt his breathing steady, Kol slowly turned his head to his older brother, plastering on his usual look of carelessness to cover up these unwanted emotions that were messing with his head.

This needed to stop.

He needed to stop.

Shrugging aimlessly, Kol crossed his arms over his chest, "So. .is dear brother dead or what?"

A look of scepticism and annoyance passed in Elijah's eyes before answering. "I'm afraid it's what we yet have to find out."

A buzz then sounded from the phone in Elijah's hand. Kol rolled his eyes as the older Mikaelson read the screen of his device.

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