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Chapter 18-

Here's my update. :)

Sorry took so long.

Got caught up in so many good books i bought.

If you haven't read the Shatter Me series and the Hush Hush Saga...then READ IT. #BEST

Hope you like this chapter.



Caroline watched Bonnie's silhouette disappear farther and farther into the woods.

she better run fast. she thought

The moment she looked away she came face to face with one of Marcels men.

..whom she was very acquainted with.

she felt instinct take control and flashed away. further from him.

But the moment her skin contacted with sunlight it started to sizzle with unbarring pain.

She yelped, whooshing into the nearest shade. Breathing heavily she clung to the tree, feeling her skin knit back to normal.

A harsh male laughter filled the air. She snapped her head to the direction of the noise.

"It really sucks when you lose your daylight ring, doesn't it?" His voice was mockingly annoying.

Caroline rose her head higher, careful not to get caught in the sun.

She saw the same man she temporarily killed. Really wishing it wasn't temporarily anymore.

She watched him circle her daylight ring around his palm.

She wished so badly it was night.

hell, she didn't even know what day it was.

An evil smirk plastered on his face as he took 3 steps forward.

"You're lucky I'm loyal to Marcel. Or else i would've killed you the second i seen that pretty blonde head of yours."

He said,

When she opened her mouth to speak, her words were cut off as his hand wrapped tightly around her throat, making her choke.

Caroline couldn't breathe as his grip kept tightening her throat, feeling as if her head would pop off any second.

She regretted not killing him when she had a chance.

She felt to weak to fight back, it felt like every muscle in her body completely shut off.

"But luckily for me, Marcel isn't here." He whispered in her ear.

Her eyes traveled from his shoulder to his hand.

The hand he held a stake in.

Her eyes widen realizing what was going to happen.

Bracing herself for the pain, she squeezed her eyes shut,

only to feel nothing but the grassy cold ground. The grip around her throat now gone.

Caroline was now gasping, air filling her lungs again. When she finally stopped coughing she quizzically looked up, not sure why he let her go. But when her vision cleared it wasn't the man from earlier it was a far to familiar face to believe.

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