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Hey, Guys It's back :3


Masquerade Ball 10:41pm

It was already 10 and no sign of Elijah.
Caroline gulped down her seventh drink.
Ya..I need more.

She ordered her eighth drink while keeping her eyes on Marcel and Cami. Making sure he didn't leave for even a second.
Seriously? where is Elijah? Its almost over.

She picked up her glass and gulped down her ninth drink.
this is good.

She turned around for one second to order Another drink.
Cause hello? You need like a billion drinks to get a vampire drunk.

"Don't you think that's enough? I wouldn't want my date drunk" She heard Marcel chuckle behind her.

She spun herself to face him with a fake smile she's been putting on the whole night.
not that she's not enjoying herself..she is.
it's just she rather be taking a nice long bubble bath with a glass of her favorite wine and a sappy romantic book.

"Well, This is really good." She held up her drink "never had this in Mystic Falls." She grinned "So? how did it go with Cami?"

He smiled "We talked. And apparently i have a date tomorrow at 7." She smiled wide.

"Where is she?"

"She was tired, so I had one of my men escort her home safely"

"Awe, how sweet" She beamed "Need any other advice?"

He chuckled "I think i can manage, thanks"

"Well then..lets celebrate" She smiled big while gulping down her drink.

Marcel smiled as he sat next to her.

After a moment of silence he spoke. "How did you become a Vampire?"
looking at her with curiosity

"Why would you want to know?" She raised a brow

And he shrugged "Just asking"

She gulped down her ninth drink and sighed
"Well.. I got into a car crash, Had a lot of damage, So my Best friends boyfriends brother -who used me as a personal blood bag when i was human- gave his vampire blood to heal me, then i got suffocated to death by my best friends'...Twin."

Marcels eyes soften and his smile was gone. he was simply staring at her with sadness.

"Harsh." was all he said. but she saw that look.

She rolled her eyes "I don't need your pity Marcel, I'm over it."

"It's not pity Caroline. You just didn't have a choice..that's whats sad"

Caroline just smiled shrugging "Ya well, I did have a choice, either to feed or die but before i knew what i even was...I fed on my Nurse." She chuckled "But I like myself better now anyways"

"Why? whats changed?" He asked with a smirk

Caroline faced him with half a smile.
"Before i was turned..I was a completely different person. I was insecure and wanted attention. and I hated myself for that" She shrugged it off like it was nothing.
but all she hopes is that she's not that girl anymore.

"It's definitely hard to hate you." He smiled and she laughed quietly.

She doesn't know why she told him those things about her. he is just so easy to talk to.
No, she doesn't trust him. but she misses the feeling of someone being a good friend, and not judging.
Or maybe she just had too much to drink.

"How so? I'd like to point out the fact that I've been nothing but an ass to you" she chuckled as he laughed

"Ya but that's what i like about you. you stand your ground and you won't let anyone get in your way, I respect that"
He said as he got two glasses of champagne and handed her one,
"I think we both need a drink to our immortal lives"
He grinned.
And she politely excepted the glass.

She smiled at him genuinely
"Thank you"

He furrowed his brows.
"For what?"

"For just being a friend."

He smiled back. 

They both clinked their glasses and gulped them empty.

She noticed Rebekah across the room smiling sadly.
She probably heard.
but what she didn't notice was that Klaus heard everything too.

He was standing a few feet behind them, barely noticeable.
He had a pained look on his face, not only because she got to be Such good friends with Marcel so quickly. but also about the bit of her life he heard.

But at the moment, he was boiling with anger, jealousy, sadness, pity..
And He wanted nothing more than to rip Damon's heart out and feed it to him, for what he did. and he knew that it was Katerina Petrova who killed her.
And when he's gonna get his hands on her he will end her once and for all...since Elijah is now so hung up on the little wolf.

but he still didn't figure out why was she acting so different with him then she used to.
He needs to know.


It was 11:00 already and everyone slowly started to leave one by one.

Caroline had been hanging out with Marcel and talking about her life...but not all of it.

She sighed relieved when she saw Elijah with that were-slut from far away talking with Klaus.
Job done.
I can leave.

She felt guilty though...very.
She was truly Marcels friend. she just felt bad for being the distraction...Again.
Well it was her idea.
go figure.

She grabbed her clutch from the bar table and was gonna flash out until she felt a tight grip on her wrist hold her back.

She spun around and saw Marcel smiling as he let go of his grip.

"Thank you..for coming and being my plus one. I had fun"

She smiled back.
"Me too. I'm glad we're friends.." She paused "..see you around" She waved him goodbye and flashed home.

She didn't even bother asking Elijah if he found what they needed. she just needed to be away.
away from that ball,
away from Marcel,
away from the rest of the Mikaelsons,
and away from Klaus.

When she got out of the shower and into her PJ's she heard a knock on the door.

When she opened it she saw a sexy British hybrid that she's been trying to avoid in front of her with a sad expression on his face.

"Klaus" She whispered


Hey. hoped you liked this Chapter.

Sorry i didn't update earlier,
i was to depressed that JP ended Klaroline 'For Now'.

but I'm glad that they finally happened though :D

If you guys got anything you'd like me to add more, or even less to this fic. let me know:)

Thanx, Until Next Time

       - XoXo Nv

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