This Is War

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• Chapter 16 •


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Cemetery Cell


Marcel stood there, staying silent for a while. Everything was going according to plan. If everything goes through the way he planned it; He might get Davina back and have the originals dead.
He silently listened to the rush of foot steps edging closer to the cell. He suspected that it was Caroline; That she was working for Klaus. But he wanted to be 100% sure. He didn't take that much men with him; mostly witches.
He knew that if Klaus wont come...the other originals will.

And Bonnie; who was patiently tied up in a chair, was studying Marcels every move. He knew something; she could tell. By the way he walks, it's like he's waiting for someone to appear. "You didn't just kidnap me, did you..."

Marcel hauled his pacing as he faced the witch. "I see you're a smart girl. But yes, you're just a part of a plan to lure a pretty blonde vampire that i need. But who could be useful to me as well."

Bonnie panicked. Caroline.

She glared up at him. "I'm strong enough to put down all the Originals myself. Who else do you still need?" She barked out.

Marcel squinted his eyes. "Here i thought you would never help me.."

"I don't want to. But when it comes to my friends; I'll do everything in my power to keep them safe."

Marcel raised a brow; intrigued by her loyalty...and by her.

Just then; Caroline flashed into the cell meeting Bonnies worried yet relieved eyes and Marcels not-so-surprised ones.

When she was about to flash over to Marcel -wanting to snap every bone in his body slowly- Two other of his men rushed in holding her tight and painful. She tried to get out of their grasp, but they didn't budge.

"Let me go!" Caroline yelled as she kept on struggling. Seeing that Marcels dogs still weren't budging; she relented.

Marcel quirked a brow, amused. keeping his back straight.
"So you arethe one who took down two of my men.."

Carolines face showed nothing but anger.
"And you're the one who kidnapped my friend. But who's counting?" She pointed out "Never expected for you to be so desperate.."

Marcel crossed his arms, studying Carolines face. "Well you are with Klaus. Aren't you?"

"It doesn't matter who i'm with." She growled more angrier. "You took my friend, so if i have to put you down to get her back...then i will" She said confidentially.

Caroline ignored Bonnie's wide eyes that were giving her the 'what are you doing' look. she continued to stare at Marcel with a angry, confident glare as his laughter echoed through the cell walls

Marcel took two steps closer to her, amusement dancing in his eyes.
"You cant beat me. I'm older, and much faster." He smirked evilly. "But i'd like to see you try.."

Caroline raised a brow. "Oh, I will. If not now then later."

Marcel raised his brows. "Oh, i don't think you will. See, I took her to get to you. but.."

"Then why do you need Bonnie now? I'm here aren't I? Now Let. Her. Go." She interrupted growling.

Ignoring her; Marcel let out a dramatic sigh. "You see, Klaus has something of mine.."

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