Chapter 1: Jason fails for the first time

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Jason POV

You know what is infuriating? You give valid points which deserve to be heard but you are ignored cause they think the points are stupid without listening!

My sister, Thalia passed up the throne, which is fine by me. I didn't mind the responsibility and I did want to rule to make my country better but I don't want a queen yet. I am 18!

I just came to my room from the council who clearly think that a queen is 'good for me'. Yea, right. They couldn't care less. They just want a good image for them and me. The 'females improve our nations and 'blah blah blah' is just a ruse. I have always succeeded into everything even if it involved my dad. I can't start a first time. I can do this! Right?

I groan and plop onto my bed when I hear a knock.

"Come in" I shout

"Jeez, Jason don't scream. If Hera heard you, you'd be dead." (A/N: Hera is good for once. But I want a motherly figure so yea, she is veryyy nice. As nice as.....a nice mother. Again please note this is just for the fancfic)

"But our step-mother is not as strict as dad. Why do you hate her so much?" I ask.

"Mom didn't have to die. Dad was supposed to die. You know that. The rebels took advantage of the situation and mom saved dad. And how does he repay her? By marrying someone else." Thalia says, her happy face turning grim.

"Ok, touchy subject. Why are you here?" I say, not wanting to discuss our mom and dad again. Hera is good enough of a motherly figure. I didn't really know my mom.

"Ohh yea, the selection? The names are in a list in dad's office and you have to choose though I am sure you don't know any of them. And you need to choose fast. It starts soon. Like 3-5 days soon. So you have to" She finished and I groaned again.

She gets up and goes to the door and almost leaves then peaks out again and says, "Ohh and Leo wants to talk to you. He and Esperanza are in the workshop." and leaves.

A distraction. Yay. But first, the list.

I go to dad's study hoping he isn't there so I can sneak in and just tick the names. Luck was not on my side.

I knocked and there was a heavy voice. "Come in......ahh Jason. You have come for the list, I believe. Here. One province didn't participate so choose two from an of the bowls." he said pointing to 34 bowls. No lecture about King. No scolding's. No, mean comments on my dress. Weird.

I looked at the bowls and choose 35 names

1. Drew Tanaka

2. Jessica Raven

3. Lisa Mallan

4. Amelia Singe

5. Elena Dilot

6. Calypso Atlas

7. Dahlia Sterling

8.  Ava Luna

9.  Nora Haku

10. Piper Mclean. Huh, interesting name

11. Bella Donne

12. Olivia Adhira

13. Lacy Filler

14. Freya Montokke

15. Hazel Levesque

16. Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano

17. Penelope Rowan

18. Alice Sage

19. Claire Miller

20. Emma Jones

21. Lily Dane

22. Delilah Keeper

23. Sandy Fir

24. Cecilia Ginin 

25. Sarah Jade

26. Becky Bill

27. Rory Ellvis 

28. Cleo Frat

29. Isabella Minn

30. Luna Jensen

31. Iris Hevix

32. Scarlett Mont

33. Abigail Vinro

34. Valentina Kairo

35. Layla Addison

"Done, dad. May I leave?"

He was invested in whatever he was doing so he just said "Hmmm" and so I left.

I started going to the workshop but bumped into Leo in the way.

"Hey dude! I have a surprise!" He said happily. My best friend says all his pranks and jokes were surprises.

"If this is a date with a brick like the last time, I swe-" I start but got cut off by his hysterical laughter.

"No, no. Don't worry. You don't like the selection, right?" He asked.

I eagerly nodded hoping he had a solution

"Too bad, you will have to deal with that" he shrugged, crushing my last glimmer of hope, and continued "I just wanted to tell you that you want see my handsome face for about two days."

"Huh? Why?" I asked and he grinned

"I know you love me, I mean, everyone loves Leo Mcshizzle Bad Boy Supreme but I am afraid you have to deal with it. Besides, I am excited, I'll be meeting a friend of mine. Ohh, and the main thing, what is your gift as I am leaving? You are going to give me a parting gift, yes? Perhaps an early birthday gift?" He asked and I rolled my eyes

"You are going for two days. You aren't getting a parting gift." I said, strongly. Ever since I slipped and Leo found out that his birthday present was a mechanic set cause I did not know what else to get him, he has been trying to get it as an 'early' b'day gift. 

"Humph. Well, I ought to pack so, adios!"

"Bye." I said waving and turned back once he slipped into a corner. Back to my lovely bedroom and preparing for my selection. Wonderful.


I started a Jiper selection cause there are not enough of those. There are one or two which are amazing but still not enough. So voila! I started one! And this is not completely based on 'The Selection' by Kiera Cass. Though the idea is from that book.

So all rights go to Kiera Cass and Rick Riordan (Uncle Rick!)

Let me know what you think!!

#PercabethForever #ArudenForEternity #MindyTheIconicCouple #JiperForLife #CaleoTheBest #FrazelAreSoCutee #SadieXAnubisXWaltArePerfection #ZarterIsAwesome #MayavathiXAmarThroughTheEnd #VikramXGauriAreAmazing

Wow, that is a handful to write. To be honest, I can't understand half of it, but since it's the opening of the fanfic, let's just go with it.

Love ya'll ❤❤

k, byeeeeeeeeeeeeee✌


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