Chapter 13: Piper & Jason Eavesdrop

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Jason POV

After breakfast, Piper and I walk around the Gardens which seem to become our thing.

"Truth or Dare?" She asks.

"Truth." I say

"Playing safe, are we? Ok, uhhhh if you could meet anyone in the world, who would you meet. Like absolutely anyone, someone you can't meet but you want to type of person." Piper asks.

"I met you so no one." I grin.

"Oh my gods, that's so cheesy that I have cheese-phobia" Piper says, practically beaming.

"Ahhh, but that huge smile on your face says otherwise." I say and she rolls her eyes still smiling.

"Maybeeeeee. Ok your turn."

"Truth or Dare?" I ask

"Dare." She says, smirking as to say 'I'm not a wuss unlike you'

"Ok. Kiss me for 30 seconds straight." I grin, wickedly as her smile falls.

"I can't! What if someone sees? You'll crush 15 girls hopes if the get this in the news!" She says, being completely reasonable.

"So you don't wanna kiss me?" I say, feigning hurt. Ohh gods, what happened to level-headed me? Oh yes, I met Piper.

"Fine, wait." she says, looking around and drags me a bit deeper into the Gardens before pressing her lips to mine.

"Hazel!" I hear Frank's voice. Piper pulls back. Ughh, Frank!

Percy and Nico left today morning as did Frank's family except Frank.

"Prince Frank." she replies and Frank says, "There's no one here."

I look at Piper as she shushes me and we hide as best as we can.

"Okay. Um so what happened?" Hazel asks.

"N-Nothing. I was wondering if you wanted to be friends?" Frank asks and Piper winces.

"Oh sure! Wait, let's start over. Hello, I am Hazel Levesque." Did she just say Levesque?

"D-Did you just say Levesque? Like L-E-V-E-S-Q-U-E?" Frank asks and Hazel nods, "Yep, 6."

"6, what?" Frank asks, confused.

"Caste 6." she says and Frank says, "Oh. Why does that matter?"

"Cause it usually changes people's opinion. Almost always, actually." Hazel says and Frank winces now.

"No, it doesn't matter. But y-you are a Levesque? Like do you know a Marie Levesque in your family?" Frank says and Piper's eyes widen, filled with confusion.

"How do you know that name?" Hazel asks, with widened eyes too.

"I-I heard it somewhere and it sounded so familiar, I can't place it though." Frank lies.

"She's my mom." Hazel says and Piper covers her own mouth and mine, good thing too cause I was about to shout in surprise.

"What? Are you sure?" Frank asks and Hazel rolls her eyes.

"Am I sure that I know she's my mom?" Hazel quips and Frank cringes. "Sorry." He says.

"W-Who's your father?" Frank asks. Good questions. "Don't know. Abandoned us." was her reply.

"So where is your mom?" Frank asks and Piper is trying hard to stay put and not talk.

"She's not with me anymore. I'm an orphan. No siblings either. Placed into the system and got out cause it's horrid. I survived." Hazel shrugs.

Frank looked like he might pass out, poor guy.

"I-Wow." he mutters and Hazel laughs.

"Well, I better go before my friends get worried." Hazel says.

"Like Piper?" Frank asks.

"No, the ones who help me to get ready in my room. Its not right to call them maids after everything I've been through. Bye!" Hazel says, leaving. After a while, Frank follows the same path to the castle.

"Spill. How do you and Frank know the last name 'Levesque'?" Piper asks and I don't bother to protest, she knows me too well anyways.

"You can't tell anyone, not even Hazel. Not yet." I say and she narrows her eyes but nods.

"I think she's Nico's half sister." I say

"WHAT?!" She shouts. 

"I-I'm not sure though." I am very sure.

"You're telling me, my friend has been through literal hell and casted down cause she's a 6 but always had a smile on her face no matter what she is facing, going through all that but she's actually royalty?" Piper asks, scarily calm.

"Yes," I wince, "but I didn't know I swear! I never checked anyone's last names apart from you and I didn't even know of the last name until last month!"

"I'm guessing Nico found something and all that?" Piper asks and I nod. "Nico and Bianca."

"Wonderful! I need to lay down for a while." Piper says.

"Frank will sort it out. He left to tell Nico, I'm sure of it. He likes Hazel a lot, you know?" I say

"Like, like like?" She asks and I nod with a smile. "Like like."

"You're 100% sure that Frank will do something?"

"500%" I smile and Piper relaxes.

She slumps down against a tree and lays there so I slump down too, next to her and she puts her head on my shoulder.

"Just like the movies." she whispers and I smile.

This is just a short chapter cause I wrote 2000-3000 long chapters in my previous ones though I said only 900-1000 and this doesn't make up for it..........I can't explain ppl, I just did it. I'm sry for the short chapter. 

Anyways, to make up for the small chapter.........DOUBLE UPDATEEEE!!

Thanx for reading!!



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