Chapter 16: Elimination 3.0

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Jason POV

It's breakfast time again and I couldn't be feeling more chaotic.

Calypso could be a potential threat. The Rebels insist I marry Piper and that was the plan all along but what is something pops up? Hazel is my cousin. Now I have to eliminate 9 girls.

I enter the Dining Hall

Lyra clears her throat. "Will Jessica Raven, Amelia Singe, Elena Dilot, Claire Miller, Lily Dane, Cecilia Ginin, Luna Jensen, Abigail Vinro and Scarlett Mont follow me please?" she says and I get up and sit in the room we enter, quietly while Lyra explains that that are eliminated.

Everyone were okay with it. They nodded, and bowed. 

"Amelia and Elena, stay back please." Lyra smiles.

"EXCUSE ME?" Scarlett shrieks, "DID YOU MAKE A MISTAKE?"

Jeez, my poor eardrums.

"No. Your family will pick you up at the airport." Lyra says

"You are making a mistake" Scarlett growls.

"Sure." Lyra says and takes a thrashing Scarlett away. Pity, the name was pretty, not the person though.

I look at Amelia and Elena with matching grins. You can imagine my surprise when they asked me to eliminate them.

"Thank you, your highness." They both bow.

"Are you ready to explain?" I ask.

"We-" Elena hesitates like she doesn't know how to put it properly.

"Like someone else in the castle." Amelia finishes. 

"Oh? Who are the lucky men?" I ask, grinning. Piper would be ecstatic to have her friends live with her in her castle.

"Lucas." Amelia says and words cannot denote how surprised I am. Maybe a tinge of relief too.

"John." Elena smiles.

"Wonderful. You'll get your new quarters soon. I-uh I mean are you dating or-?" I ask.

"Elena is still dating but I.........." Amelia shows a diamond ring. Wow.

"I don't need quarters, its fine. I talked to-" Elena starts.

"Nonsense." I waved her off. "Its not like we have a space issue."

"Thank you." They both say in harmony.

I dismiss them cause apparently they can't leave until I dismiss them.

I walk into the Dining hall to see Piper, Hazel and Annabeth sitting together, Hazel smiling more now.

Freya, Calypso and Reyna are on the other hand, engaged in laughter and deep conversations.

Lyra takes a mic again and speaks, "Congrats girls. You have reached the Elite group. You are the remaining 5 and the next Weekly Report will be where you'll deliver your speeches."

The girls are quiet.

"Prince Frank and Prince Percy." Someone announces as the both of them stroll into the room.

Their postures are straight and head high until they set their eyes on their girls to which they quickly slump and put their head down to hide their flushed faces.

"King Hades and Prince Niccolò. Sorry, Prince Nico." The announcer change from Nico's command. Many people don't know his full names. Well, they do now. Piper's jaw is open, Annabeth rolls her eyes at some comment Hazel gave and the rest of the girls act it cool.

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