Chapter 15: Hazel is Gone

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Piper POV

I call Annabeth. She picks up after the second ring.

"Hello? Pipes?" I hear her and I start sniffling again.

Do not cry, McLean, do not dare.

"Hi." My voice break.

"I am going to kill Jason." I heard Annabeth and a clattering sound.

"Annabeth, it isn't Jason." I say. My voice breaks again, dammit.



"Piper, what happened?!?" Annabeth says, growing concerned. I don't reply.

"Piper, you are acting like someone died and-wait..............Piper, can you please bring Hazel to the phone." Annabeth says.

I start crying, softly.

"Piper, don't play with me, put Hazel on the phone."

"I can't! She's gone, Annabeth. They searched the castle ground 3 times. There was an attack. Rebel attack and they took her." I cry, muffling myself with my free hand.


"Hazel is gone?" Annabeth says, her voice breaking too.

"She's gone," I say, sniffling, "but we will find her. We have too. Jason and Frank, they-"

"Dammit, Piper! They are 'royalty'. A 6 doesn't matter to them!" Annabeth says and I shut up. Jason will find her.

"Are you okay?" Annabeth asks.

"Yes." I say, with a small laugh. 

"If you try to lie, be convincing. Your laugh gave you away. Where'd you get hurt?" Annabeth asks.

"Aren't you the smartest of the bunch?" I say

"What bunch? No, never mind, don't divert the topic, Piper."

"My right thigh. A small one, don't worry." I say. "Okay." was her reply

"I'll be there by tomorrow. Tell your Prince to prepare for me or whatever. Actually, don't tell him, I'll sleep with you and hide in your room." She says, shuffling noises coming from the background.

"Okay." I lie and remind myself not to laugh. Force of habit.

"See you soon." Annabeth says and cuts the call.

"Lily?" I say.

"Yes, mi-Piper?"

"Can I call in sick? Please?" I ask and she nods, "Of course."

"Where are Tiana and Kiara?" I ask

Lily hesitates, "Kiara has issues every time there's a rebel attack. She was 12 at her first one and got shot in her arm. Tiana and I calmed her down from every possible chance we have."

"You should go then." I say and she shakes her head, "Oh no, I couldn't."

"You can. You see, you use these things you call legs, traditionally found on your lower body, and you move them forward, one by one and-"

She throws a pillow on my face, "I'm going, I'm going!" She says and I laugh.

Then I remind myself of Hazel.

It's midnight now, I have no idea how Annabeth picked the phone up.

I go through my messages, ignoring the ones from Dylan.

Someone knocks on the door, "Knock, knock?" I hear Jason's deep voice.

"Come in." I say and Jason comes in and closes the door after him.

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