Chapter 6: Elimination

63 3 16

Jason POV

I have to eliminate 10 girls, leaving 25. I am so nervous. I can hear the chattering in the Lunch Hall. I just have to walk in, eat and before dismissing them, call out a few names to talk to them privately. Okay, I got this.

I stroll in, five minutes after my dad and stepmom. All eyes go on me.......except one. Piper. She looked at me then went back to her food. 

She was having a Veg Club Sandwich. I went with a French Rolled Omelet. Simple and great.

"Please, continue." I said and sat down next to dad. Thalia didn't join us.

Everyone started eating, and chattering again and sometimes glance at me and turned away when I looked at them. Piper did not look my way once. For some reason I was amused and frustrated. Why am I frustrated?

Lunch went by fast. Really fast. Too fast.

"Would Nora Haku, Bella Donne, Penelope Rowan, Lacy Filler, Sandy Fir, Iris Hevix, Alice Sage, Becky Bill, Cleo Frat and Rory Ellvis follow me" I said

That left Drew Tanaka, Jessica Raven, Lisa Mallan, Amelia Singe, Elena Dilot, Calypso Atlas, Dahlia Sterling, Ava Luna, Olivia Adhira, Freya Montokke, Hazel Levesque, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Claire Miller, Emma Jones, Lily Dane, Delilah Keeper, Cecilia Ginin, Sarah Jade, Isabella Minn, Luna Jensen, Scarlett Mont, Abigail Vinro, Valentina Kairo and Layla Addison.

The 10 girls, nervously followed me. And now I have to send the home. Wonderful.

After we reached another private room, I spoke.

"You all were lovely and lively but I have to send a few girls away and I don't have anything wrong with you, but I had to choose so I have to send you home. I am truly sorry. Your families will get 10k for compensation." I said.

Some girls were ok with it when they heard 10k but Bella, Rory and Becky threw a fit and Iris started crying. My dad entered and I left. Ohh gods. I swear, this selection will kill me.

I head back to the Lunch Room and everyone turns their heads to me. Even Piper this time. But she turned away quickly, probably because she knew that those were the ones who got eliminated. The rest of the girls were expecting. Clearly, they were expecting me to tell them what happened with the girls. And I will most definitely not do that. 

"Jason, dear, the date..." Hera reminds me and I thank her.

I clear my throat and Lyra gives me the mic. 

"Hello everyone. Good afternoon. I hope you all are enjoying your stay. Umm, a few announcements. Firstly, I want to inform you that the Women's room is open, and it is purely for you all to spend your time. There are televisions, sofas, a library, I'm sure you saw it on your first day. Secondly, I will be choosing my first date soon. I will send a letter to the one I choose for my date for tomorrow. This week, I will go on only two dates and from next week the number of dates will increase." This got squeals from almost everyone. Almost.

I continued "Thirdly, you will have your Weekly Friday report, this Friday. It is five days away so be prepared, the questions will be sent to you and they might add last minute questions. Lastly, in two days will be your first ball, for my father, Zeus's, birthday. Thank you, you are all dismissed." I say and walk out. I need to send a letter for a date, desperately change out of my suit and finish my report on the share price since dad plans to buy a airline company. Hopefully to decrease the price. And the rebels, gods, the rebels.

I sigh and enter my room, and change. I call for a butler but he is rarely here since I prefer to do everything on my own. I change out of my suit to clack pants and a plain white shirt, which I tucked. Then I went over to my table, took a paper and pencil and wrote for my date. Who should I ask?

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