Chapter 8: Friday Weekly Report

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The above dress is Piper's dress btw.
Piper POV

It's the first Friday Weekly Report and the Women's room is crazy. They're panicking so much that I'm surprised their head isn't detached from their body.

Me? I don't care. Much.

Their opinions don't matter to me nor does the competition. Though I don't wanna get eliminated too quickly now. Jason's a friend. Hazel's still here. And I'm making friends with these girls now. A lot of them aren't conceited or arrogant as I thought.

"Girls! GIRLS!" Lyra shouts with a whistle she blows into. Sheesh, my ears.

"We have the ranking lists!" She says and clears her throat

"1. Amelia Singe
2. Piper McLean
3. Hazel Levesque
4. Freya Montokke
5. Drew Tanaka
Congrats girls, you are top 5 according to public opinion."

What baffles me is Drew is 5th and I am 2. ME.

It was silent for a beat before the shouting began. For happiness, despair, sadness, I have no idea.

Freya was smiling, and that made me smile. I walked over to her.

"Piper." I said. "Freya." Was the response I got.

"I love your dress. Red compliments you. Are you ready for the Weekly Report?" I ask

"Thank you! And no, can anyone really prepare? I just had a panic attack." She says with a grin.

I laugh. We make small talk until I notice Hazel being swarmed by a lot of other girls, 7 girls, I think.

"Hey Freya, wanna meet Hazel? I don't think those girls are there to be friends." I say. Freya nods, looking a bit excited. She's lovely. I would nominate her for Jason's bride as well. Come to think of it, my preference is Amelia, Freya or Hazel except I want it to be Hazel only if she wants to.

We walk to them but Drew intercepts us.

She puts on the fakest smile I saw and said "Darling, grey doesn't suit you."

"And Mustard Yellow doesn't suit you, yet here you are!" I say with faux cheeriness and smiles.

Freya smiles. "Grey suits her beautifully and sleeveless looks amazing on her. And the small slit from her knee to floor is just lovely." I love Freya.

"It doesn't compliment her skin color. Its better on white skin tones." She smirks

"Did you just indirectly call her dark?" Freya seethes.

"Oh no, I'm just saying." Drew says.

"It's tanned skin, you idiot. Are you blind?" Amelia comes in from nowhere but I am sooo happy that I have these girls.

Drew hesitates now. Its clear she thought I was dark-skinned. I mean I kinda am but like very very light brown.

"I didn't mean it like that. I was just saying that grey doesn't suit her." She tries

"What are you on about? She looks so beautiful that I'm scared the Prince's eyes will not leave her." Amelia says and adds "She was the first date after all." and she winks at me.

Drew's head snaps to mine and Freya didn't seem all to shocked though this was definitely new information to her.

"Excuse me? I'm the first date." Drew says

"Were you asked yet?" I ask

"Well.........not yet but I will be asked very soon."

"I went out with him a day ago or so." I say, smoothly and Amelia smirks at Drew while Freya tries to hide a smile by Drew's face.

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