Chapter 11: Elimination 2.0

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Jason POV

I reluctantly let Piper go and she smiles at me. I go up to the stage. This time, I have to publicly announce the girls I am eliminating but I'm ok with it now. They'll have a line of suitors at home now.

"Dahlia, Olivia, Emma, Delilah, Layla, Lisa, Drew, Ava, Valentina and Isabella." I say, listing the ones my sister said and extra ones which didn't seem right to me.

Most of them are in terms with it. Drew, Lisa and Sarah throw a fit, though as they are escorted out.

That leaves, Piper, Jessica, Calypso for Leo, Amelia, Elena, Freya, Hazel, Reyna, Claire, Lily, Cecilia, Luna, Scarlett and Abigail.

The ball ends soon enough, Piper meeting a lot of the people and getting compliments so I didn't disturb her. She was on my mind the whole time so I am reconsidering calling it a crush.

After Father's cake cutting, the ball ended fairly quickly.

I wished the guests bye and stayed back with the Royal Families.

Meaning - Clarisse, Will, Nico, Percy, Tyson, Estelle, Frank, Thalia and Bianca.

Travis, Luke and Connor left early with their parents cause they didn't wanna stay over. They couldn't. Clarisse and Bianca were in a different area deep in conversation. Estelle and Tyson left cause they both were very tired so they fell asleep in a Royal Chamber. Thalia retired to her room too.

Leaving me, Frank, Percy, Nico and Will.

"Hey. D-Do you like Hazel?" Frank asks.

"Did you see the way he was looking at Piper? He had hearts all over his face. He might as well have stamped her name over his head." Will intercepts.

"Gee, thanks." I groan.

"Percy, are you ok?" Nico scrunches his eyebrows.

"My life is over. She'll never forgive me and I screwed up. I mean, she has every right! I was so dumb and stupid, I could have just trusted her. Losing a few months to be with her is worth it and there was no guarantee that my parents would have found out." Percy lets out a frustrated shout.

"It's okay. You'll win her back. Piper said she's supporting you and she's been friends with Annabeth for so long, she'll be right." I comfort.

"I-Its not that." He pauses. "I don't have the time to win her back. Dad insists on getting married by next month or having a Selection. And I can't go to the city anymore! Unless I'm proposing. Which she'll never accept right now."

"I-uh, you can't get your hopes up." I warn and he nods, his eyes already lit up.

"You should have a Selection-"


"And I can ask Piper to put Annabeth's name. Or one of us can put it though it'll be better if Piper does it so she can shield you. Then you can pick her name from the lists." I say, rubbing the back of my neck. Piper would do it. But I feel bad making her take a hit.

"Please." Percy nods.

Will says, "Good plan, I agree." and nods.

"But you do know that you'll have to take other girls on dates, right?" Frank says and Percy's expression falls before nodding.

"And you too. Hera said you've been on 3 dates so far, Piper, Freya and some other name." Nico accuses.

"Sure." I say, trying to get Nico to divert the topic but he just narrows his eyes at me.

"Say, do you like Piper? Cuz she's very nice." Will says.

"I-I do. She's amazing, nice, funny and she's so easy to be with, you know? She's sharp and smart too! She basically gave all the ideas that founded this ball and look how that turned out. It's one of the best balls in our history. And you should see how free she looks with her friends, its like she-what? Why are you looking at me like that?" I demand.

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