Chapter 20: The Attack of the Rebels

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Jason POV (Continuation)

The 2 guards take us to a secluded area. Wait, there's no safe room here.

The first guard push us to a corner. They both laugh.

"Gullible children." The second one barks out, laughing.

Ohhh shit. They are rebels.

Piper looks at them, pleadingly. "You are gonna kill children?"

They melt a bit, "Yes we have-hey, what are you doing with your lip? Stop-"

"Well, can we know your names before you........" Piper trails off, acting innocent.

"I'm Allin. This is Dale." Guard one, Allin says.

"Ohhh." Piper sniffles. Percy is just looking at me, weirdly.

"Horrid names for horrid people." Annabeth voice says, behind the guards. As a reflex, they grab Annabeth's hand and push her in between Percy and me.

"Do you have any weapons?" Dale asks Annabeth.

"Like?" Annabeth asks

"A fork." Dale answers and she tilts her head, blinking.

"I thought you eat with that." Annabeth says and Percy looks confused. In a 'She's way smarter than that' kinda way.

Dale and Allin smile like we are the most naïve people they met. Like we are very easy to dispose.

"Yea, me too." Piper nods referring to the fork.

"But-" Annabeth says

"-this isn't" Piper finishes, hitting Allin's neck with a dagger, the soft spot of the human body.

"You little-" Dale lunges for Piper but Annabeth gets him first with a similar dagger, hitting his right jaw and temple with the hilt.

Then cuts his thigh and hits it. He falls, howling in pain.

Either they are the greatest actors I ever met or have been in these kinda situations a lot. I am gonna go with the first on for my own sanity.

"Pipes, they were both supposed to be alive." Annabeth says.

"Sorry, I panicked." Pipes says, looking guilty.

They both turn to us. "Oh, shut your traps, you should be used to this." Annabeth comments.

Then I notice me and Percy staring with an open jaw.

"No, our girls beating up rebels while we were helpless is not something I'm used to." Percy says.

"He is definitely gonna win me back." Annabeth deadpans to Piper, who in turn shoots a glowering look to Percy.

Annabeth turns to Percy and places a bloody knife (the knife was actually covered in blood) in his hand and says, "Lucky that neither of are your girl." and leaves.

"By the way, I still didn't forgive you, Piper." Annabeth says over her shoulder.

"Dammit." Piper says.

Annabeth comes back in a minute with four guns, 3 daggers and a sword.

"How did you carry all that?" I ask then remember Pipes carrying like 7 suitcases. "Nevermind." I sigh.

"You got me a sword?" Percy asks, melting completely, having hearts in his eyes. Yeesh, get a grip dude.

"Yes, cause I want to survive and Piper and me aren't the only ones who are gonna fight." Annabeth says like she has to explain. Then realizes her mistake that she felt the obligation to explain. Me and Piper were grinning while Percy looked like a sad puppy. Oh gods, the obliviousness hurts.

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