Chapter 21: Choosing & Proposal

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*2 weeks later*

Piper POV

I refuse to panic. I absolutely reject the idea of panicking.

But what if Jason decides Freya or Reyna are better for being Queen? What if he was playing me or Zeus comes back from the dead and holds him at gunpoint to marry Freya. Or Reyna. Ohh my gods, I spent way too much time with Leo.

"Piper?" Lily asks, coming into the bathroom where I was having a bubble-bath. It would have been amazing if today is not the most important day to me, Jason and the entire future of Ilea.

Choosing day it today and as I might have mentioned, I WILL NOT PANIC. Everyone will be there and by that I mean all the Royals and Hazel and I obviously invited Annabeth. Though she is a Royal. It's so confusing to me. Who could be here mother? It can't be Zeus, Poseidon or Hades cause she dated Percy and seemed to know about it before the break-up. Ok, I got so off-topic.

"You look like you are having a mental breakdown." Tiana inputs, thoughtfully.

"Gee, thanks. Sometimes getting this close to you guys seems like a bad idea." I huff.

"Ahhh, but you love us." Lily grins, washing my hair.

"Maybeee." I say, smiling.

"If he doesn't choose you, he-he is an idiot." Tiana says.

I gasp, dramatically, "Tiana? Is that you? She called her precious prince a 'idiot'?" I say. remembering how many times Tiana gushed about Jason and how fond Tiana is of Jason.

"Deep breaths." Kiara says, entering, "You'll be amazing."

"Of course I'll be." I say, cause I am not the problem here. Jason will choose and I won't make a fool of myself. It'll be fine.

I step out and Kiara slips me into a beautiful coral dress, off-shoulders, full-length which flows down, prettily. At the end, near there are beautiful  patterns butterflies and flowers which Kiara did silver stones.

"This is wonderful!" I exclaim, genuinely.

"Kiara wanted to become a fashion designer." Tiana grins and Kiara flushes a bit.

"Really?" I ask, surprised.

"Yes, now sit. We don't have much time!" Lily fusses.

I sit down near my dresser and my maids start to work their magic.

I have a silver-butterfly necklace on my neck with a matching silver-flower ring. And silver heels, of course. I had a silver-bracelet which was plain but 4 layered.

For my hair they did a half-ponytail which they clipped with a big floral silver-crystal clip.

"I look like a princess!" I cry-exclaim. Well not cry, I didn't have any tears, but like I screamed a bit.

"You are one. You're gonna be a queen too." Lily says, as calmly as ever, dusting off invisible particles off my dress.

Tiana squeals. "Good luck!"

Lily sends me out of them room when my legs don't move.

I walk a bit till I meet Amelia.

"AMY!" I shout, getting her attention. A huge smile comes on her face when she sees me.

"Piper! I was gonna watch you get chosen." She laughs as my cheeks heat and I hug her.

I notice her ring and slap her shoulder, playfully.

"Excuse me?! Where'd that ring come from!?" I ask. 

"I just found it on a random day you know." She grins.

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