Chapter 12: Friday Weekly Report (Again)

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Piper POV

We're in the limo, sitting to reach the stage for the next Weekly Report and I'm actually worried. Cause now I do want to be with Jason and their opinions matter now. Its around 4:00 pm now.

Hazel squeezes my hand in reassurance. 

It'll be fine. It'll be fine, I just have to be diplomatic and honest. Honesty is the best policy.

We got off, and lined up as Lyra called our names, mine being last and Hazel's being second-last.

We walk onto stage while the crowd cheers and Ann starts talking to the crowd.

After she addressed the crowd, she moves on to Jason

"Prince Jason, how are you today?" Ann says

"Good, thank you." Jason says, with a small smile.

"Now as everyone is wondering, Prince Jason have you been on dates with everyone of these girls?"

"Yes." He replies.

"Have you taken anyone on second dates?" Ann asks

"Nope." He says

"Ohh, well do you know who is going to be your bride?" Ann asks and Jason grins.

"Maybe." He says and the crowd goes wild

"Who is it!!??" Ann demands

"I'm not saying, Ann." He grins, wider.

"Well, did you kiss anyone? Is it the same person you want to choose." Ann asks and Jason thinks for a moment.

"I did kiss one of the girls. But she isn't necessarily the one I want to choose." Jason says and winces so slightly that it was barely noticeable. I saw Leo in the crowd, glaring at Jason.

"Ahhhh, I see." Ann smiles, as though it makes perfect sense. No it doesn't. What the hell?

Don't cry now, Piper. Don't you dare.

So I put on a huge smile. Leo then looks at me, frantically. Then shakes his head at me and slumps into his seat, frustrated. Ok, then?

"Now, let's start with the interviews!!" Ann exclaims. I tune everything out. 

I watch Thalia get up from her seat, walk to Jason and whispers to him and drags a chair and sits next to Jason, talking intensely. 

Jason looks at me, with a small smile and a return one of my own small smiles. It's ok if he doesn't like me. I won't like him either, then. We are friends, that's all. I get that.

Thalia looks at our smiles and hits Jason's head from behind and starts whisper-shouting cause Zeus and Hera weren't reacting.

Jason shakes his head and starts saying something back.

"And now, Piper McLean! No. 3 in the charts!" Ann announces and I walk up to the chair opposite to her.

"Hello, its so good to see you again!! How was your day!?" Ann asks

"Um, it was good. I miss my dad though. Pretty sure, he's watching" I say, waving to the camera's and the audience smiles, most of them at least, at my gesture.

"Ahhh, Dad's Princess, are we?" Ann asks and I had the urge to say 'No, Dad's Warrior.' but I keep my mouth shut

"Through and through." I said, instead.

"That's sweet. Now, we get that you arranged King Zeus's ball? Haw did that feel?" Ann asks.

"I-It was a great opportunity, really. I was so glad that I could supervise and so happy when my ideas came to reality. All the girls were great to work with and I made so many friendships I appreciate." I say, smiling.

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