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Jason POV - 6 years later

"Wake up, pleaseeeee." Pipes pleads with me, on her knees on our bed's mattress. 

"Nooo, come on." I say, pulling her down and snuggling her.

"Jason!! It's important." She insists.

"Obviously, since your hosting a whole party on whatever this 'thing' is." I mumble, though I'm not that sleepy anymore.

I open one eyelid and she looks livid. "Thing? THING? Well then, me and this 'thing' are leaving. I'm not going to tell you anymore." She says trying to squirm her way out of my grip but I'm holding on to tight.

"Please tell me? Pretty please? I'm so sorry. This is a very important matter since your hosting a party for it." I say, kissing her head

"Dam right it is. But no, I'm not telling you anymore. You'll have to find out with everyone else now." She huffs, mad at me. She never gets mad at me over trivial matters so it must be something really important.

Now I'm concerned. "Are you ok? Pipes, please tell me everything's ok. Is someone dying?" I ask

"What no!" She says then mumbles something like "Quite the opposite really." But I have no idea what that means.

"Please tell me, Pipes, I'm dying." I say, smothering her with kisses.

She clears her throat, gets off of bed and gives me a wrapped gift. I get to the edge of the bed, still sitting while Pipes was standing in front of me. I look at her, skeptically, before taking it and slowly opening.

Inside it was a tiny shirt with "Dad's dude" and below was a pregnancy test and a piece of paper with Pipes handwriting:

Ready to be a Father again?

I looked up to see Piper nervously biting her lip. I shoot up, standing now.

"You are pregnant again?" I ask, almost crying. "Ohh Gods, Ryan is gonna be so happy to have a little sibling." I hug her tightly.

"Mmmhm." She says, actually crying. And I felt a tear roll down my cheek too.

"I'm gonna be a Dad again! And I'm the first one to know!!" I exclaim and Piper starts laughing nervously.

"I AM the first one to know, right?" I ask.

"About that............." Piper trails off

"Piper, you better be joking."

"IonlytoldLeoIswear" She says quickly then repeats "I only told Leo, I swear!"

But I heard her the first time.

"You told Leo that you were having out child before you told me?" I ask. It clicked though, she started planning day before yesterday so that must be the day she found out and called Emergency Family Meet-Up. But telling Leo before me?

I scoff and turn away.

"I'm sorryyyyyyyyy, he snooped and found my pregnancy test and forced me to explain, it wasn't by will, I swear!!" She says. She's 'swearing' a lot today.

She hugs me from behind. "I'll forgive you for calling our baby a 'thing'." She says

"I didn't know! You told him! There's a difference!" I say and she narrows her eyes in a oddly specific 'I'm-pregnant-and-it-isn't-my-fault' way. Well if Leo snooped, I guess......

I kneel down to her belly and kiss her stomach. "Welcome to the family." I say.

Then I kiss Piper's forehead. "Let's go check on Ryan" I say and drag her to out 5-year-old son's room.

The Selection - Our Love Story (A Jiper AU)Where stories live. Discover now