Chapter 18: Execution & Punishments

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Piper POV

It's the day we have to punish the criminals to prove that we won't take pity on someone who doesn't deserve it. As a Queen, we need to prove that we know the distinction between who deserves pity and who doesn't.

We are on a private car now, an black Audi for me and Hazel. Calypso, Freya and Reyna went in a red one.

"I hope there are no executions." Hazel says, sullenly.

"I'm sure there won't be. Don't worry." I squeeze her hand. I'm terrified too. But Zeus is gone.

We line up in stage again, the five of us holding hands, facing the crowd, Haze to my left and no one to my right.

Ann greets the crowd and it starts.

Reyna punishes two people, one 40-year-old man for theft of a 2, he was a 3 so he does deserve it, jailed for 10 years. The other was 25-year-old for eating an apple they stole, while being a 4 so he could afford it, he did it for fun. I wanted to scoff. Jailed for 5 years.

Freya punishes one, 30-year-old klepto, stole a car from a 2, despite being a 3. This is repulsive.

Calypso punishes two, a father-son duo who pulled a murder of a 3 family cause they insulted them. Caste 5. This is making me sick to the bone.

Hazel punishes one, a 27-year-old who was a 3, attacked a rival company, killing of the CEO of the rival company. Jailed for 10 years. I have never seen Hazel so emotionless. She was always an open book.

My turn.

"Speak your name, age and caste" I say, head held high. If he was as horrid as they all were, this will so fine. I will show no pity to a cruel psycopath

"Nall. 17. 6." The man says.

Zeus walks in to the pedestal. No. Impossible. Jason stands up with wide eyes as does Thalia. Hera wasn't there.

"NALL!" Hazel screams, heading towards me. Zeus smirks and claps, and guards restrain her.

"LET ME GO-" Hazel takes a breath "-I, Princess Hazel of Netheria ask you to let me go."

"Let go of my sister. You heard her." Nico growls, pouncing on the stage. I have no idea what is with the Royals and their perfect timing but I'm not complaining.

"Continue." Zeus says and the crowd is speechless. They stay silent.

"Crime and time?" I ask.

He lifts his head, "Stealing a bunch of bananas for a children who hasn't eaten in a week. Life sentence."

No. No, this is not fair. Absolutely not.

"NO!" Hazel shouts.

"You are free." I say and Zeus smiles, "You are eliminated. If you don't have the guts to sentence one who is guilty, I'm afraid you aren't suitable."

"Excuse me? This is MY Selection. And you resigned your position as King when you left with no warning, making us think you were dead. Thalia is substitute ruler until I'm prepared to chose my bride." Jason scowls.

"Boy, you don't know what you are talking about." Zeus had the audacity to smirk.

"Zeus." I call out.

"King Zeus." He corrects.

"Sure,-" I say like I'm entertaining him and he starts to scowl "-quick question, are you always so stupid?"


"Princess Piper." I correct, "Unlike you, I have my title." I say, hating that I'm flaunting my title but here, its okay.

"Listen here you-" Zeus starts.

The crowd roars. Terrified, Zeus backs up. Thalia takes a sword out from her belt.

"Ohh no, you are staying dead this time, Dad." She laughs. Dam, the Grace's certainly have strong personalities. 

"Thea, move." Zeus says, bored with a streak of fear in his eyes and Thalia looks outraged "Thea? I'm Thalia, you idiotic, old scoundral." She says and gets ready to strike him but Jason gets there first. He gets sword through Zeus's stomach and Zeus startles. His eyes start to dim until they are lifeless. Dead.

The crowd roars again, out of joy now. Pride of their new king for killing his own father, who was a tyrant.

"Nall, you are free to go." Jason declares and guards cut up his ropes.

"LET GO OF MY SISTER, MORONS!!" Nico roars and guards drop her, so she falls to the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Nico was gonna lunge but Hazel stopped him, diverting his attention.

"It's just a twisted ankle." Haze says.

"WHAT?" Nico says, trying to find the guard who already fled and I was spectating. I said nothing.


Jason enters my room. "I'm so proud of you, for standing up to my Dad." he says.

Kiara, Tiana and Lily weren't there since I gave them the day off. They might use the word, 'forced'. Same difference.

"Me? Did you see how you refused to cower? You looked like Superman." I say.

"That's exaggeration. But thanks Piper. I don't know what I'd do without you." He says.

"It is not exaggeration. And I know, that's why I'm staying. Wouldn't want Ilea to fall apart now, would we?" I tease.

"Ah, so you don't feel anything for me?" He asks back, playfully.

"Nada." I grin and he bends, inches away from my face. "You sure?"

"Actually, no." I say and he smiles, says, "Thought so," and kisses me.

Not a bad day, overall if you erase the morning.

Short chapter but still a chapter.

I FULFILLED MY PROMISE. I HAVE PUBLISHED CHAP 16-18. Take that 'writer's block'!

Anyways, opinions??

Thanks for reading!!!!! Bye!!


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