Chapter 4: Jason (discreetly) watches the selected

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Jason POV

I have sadly accepted the fact that I have........not succeeded. I have failed, but we all have a first, right? So I might as well try to find love. Maybe.

Leo came back and started rambling about a girl who was selected and how perfect she is. Did someone act something that impressed him so much that now he is rambling? Well, he came back and I'll need his support so that's a bonus

I had a personal meet-up with all the girls but nevertheless watched them discreetly come to the castle.

Some girls bossed their butlers about and acted like the castle was practically theirs. But unfortunately I didn't know their names so I could not cross their names for the elimination.

Most of the girls came on time but a few were behind schedule. Everyone except four girls already arrived. I only remembered Calypso Atlas and Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano's names and identifications. Damn, I should have tried to memorize the names. I only remembered both of them cause I kept going through both of their papers and acted like I was going through everything.

Then came Calypso Atlas alone. She was wonderful and helped the butler and started conversing with her butler as well.

Next was Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano who seemed very formal and uptight but still did not boss her butler. She carried one of her own bag.

Lastly was a short, gold-eyed, curly brown haired girl. She stepped out but another girl followed her. The second girl had she had long, wavy and choppy brown hair and eyes which did not seem to have a standard color, kept changing from brown to blue to green. But they came in the same limo. Weird.

The second girl, one with multicolored eyes, went and popped the trunk and started unloading the suitcases.

The butler came to second girl and told her that he would take it to her room but she refused saying that she was capable and that he was sweet but she wanted to do it herself. None of the girls did that. She was captivating but I forced myself to look away. She told the butler to call her Piper. That must be her name.

"Pipes! Do you need help?" The first girl said, smiling sweetly.

"Haze, please, I am a grown girl and am totally capable of pulling a few suitcases." Piper answered.

"Piper Mclean, it is seven suitcases and I can't tell if you are being sarcastic" The second girl, shot to Piper. 

"Hazel, chill. I got this. I miss Annabeth though. She would lecture us about bickering at the palace. Not that I care." Piper huffed.

Annabeth........that's Percy's girlfriend!! He went undercover to experience what others were going through but chose my kingdom so that we could meet once in a while. Percy and Nico are my cousins. Nico had Will and was happy. They'll get married soon, I know it. And Percy fell for Annabeth. He still needs a selection but I am sure he'll choose only 10 girls or something and Annabeth will be among them. I wonder how Annabeth will take the news that she is in love with the prince of Greece.

"Pipes, I know you didn't sign up, but at least try. It will be a good experience and-" Hazel starts, breaking my thought-train

"Hazel, please, let's just leave it there. Let get in, ok?" Piper sighs. 

They both head in, and I follow with a bit of distance. They both walk through differently. Hazel is in awe of everything while Piper seemed to walk around confidently, like a queen, but she didn't mean it that way. I groaned. Girls.

I went inside the palace but Leo ran to me. 

"Dude, I have been looking everywhere for you! I-*pants*-forgot to tell you-*pants*-the girl's name, the one who is awesome, ya know? It's Piper. Do you know which room she'll be in? I want to surprise her before she comes!" Leo says but I still process the fact that Leo wants me to choose Piper, the girl who didn't even want to be here

"Sh-She already arrived. I'll send for someone to tell you her room" I reply quickly

"Really? Wow, I didn't expect her to arrive so soon, she sure takes her time, usually." Leo chuckles to himself.

"Yea. Hey, Leo? So I was-" I hesitate "-discreetly watching the selected arrive and Ms. Piper seemed as though she did not want to be here. Know what that's about?" I ask

"Ok, first, discreetly watch? You mean stalk. And Piper-" His face turns sad "-doesn't exactly trust easily. She has seen how the lower castes have been treated and she doesn't like that. Her dad was a lower caste but got promoted, eventually due to his hard work and the jobs he does. Piper is a 2 but her friends are a 3 and 6. Her father was a 6. She hated everything about the kingdom. She donates often and does what she can to help. She had it rough, Jason. Really rough. Most 2's get homeschooled but she insisted on going to school and she got bullied for being a 2 but she fought. She was basically my sister." Leo says, his cheerful face turning sadder with each sentence

"Ok, thanks. Ohh and Leo? You know the rules, right? You might find your soulmate here" I say and his smile was back.

"Yep, I'll steal one of your girls" He says, giving a large grin

"Well, when you say it like that." I say, rolling my eyes playfully

I waved and went back to my room. Among all the girls, Piper seemed like she was the only one who doesn't care about the title or the crown or power. She just wanted to be left alone. But she still walked confidently and didn't backdown. So she wants to be here? Or not?

I whined. Girls are so confusing.

Will I really find love?

Will you, Jason? Hmmmm, good question. Not like a goddess figure appeared in front of you, seemed wonderful and sassy and was confident and was a perfect fit for you. Not like she fit your personality. *Sarcastic laughter*. Yep, nobody like that.

Also please note: In 'The Selection' by Kiera Cass, the Prince and America (the one who got selected) bymistakly meet before the interview where they were supposed to meet. They were not supposed to meet before the interview. But they did......

Another note: In 'The selection', you can't fall in love with anyone else, but in this, most of the 'Selected' fall in love with castle staff. If not, they have a line of rich suitors waiting for them.


Let me know what you think. Ok, that's a wrap.

Love ya'll ❤❤

k, byeeeeeeee ✌✌✌


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