Chapter 5: Jason interviews Piper

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Jason POV

I finished with everyone except two

I only have Hazel Levesque and Piper Mclean left.

While waiting for them, I thought about the interviews.

"May I come in?" Hazel asked, after knocking.

"Yes. Hello Ms. Hazel." I say, formally.

"Please, just Hazel."

"Very well. How was your day?"

"Different, than what I usually go through" she said, slight pain in her voice

"That's nice, I suppose?" I say more like a question and when she nods, I resume. "Why did you sign up for the selection?" I ask since it is a regular question

"I-Well, I don't mind of the selection, really, as long as I find love. During the selection, there will be a speech for the last 3 remaining. I just want to try to get that far, to voice out what I think about the orphanage since it isn't quite up to the standards and children there are suffering" She says and I was shocked. I was shocked about her honest opinion and even more shocked about the orphanage.

"Y-You used to..........?"

"Yes. I don't anymore, I fend for myself now with small jobs. I go by." She says, plainly as if its normal.

"O-Oh. Thank you for bringing that up."

She just smiled.

I asked her a few more questions.

"That's that, then. And don't worry. I am sure you will find love within these castle walls." I said and reassured. 

"Thank you. And your highness? Next time, when you want to spy, choose a better hiding place. Just a tip" She says and I turn red.

"H-Ho-Wh-You-" I stutter and she giggles at my embarrassment.

"I saw when I was examining the castle and you were staring at Piper-" making me blush hard "-ohh and did you finish with Piper?" 

"No, she is last" I say, trying to cool down.

"Quick tip: She did not sign up for this herself so she doesn't exactly love it. And she hates the spotlight." She says, and winks

"S-She doesn't like the spotlight?" That explains a lot

"Nope. She practically hates all rich people." Hazel says with a shrug

"Wh-Isn't she rich?" I ask, genuinely. Then remember Leo telling me about her being bullied. 

"Its a long story. I have to go now though. Good luck!" She says

"Bye." I say and Hazel leaves. 

After a few minutes, Piper enters. She looked graceful and lovely. Absolutely lovely.

"Hello Ms Pip-"

"Hi." She says plainly, cutting me off.

"Lovely to meet you again." I said

"Likewise" She says with a small smile. That's progress, right?

"Right, you are the last one so let's complete this, shall we?" I said and she melodiously hummed in response.

"What are you going to do now that you entered the competition?" I ask since I already know that she did not come by choice.

"Try to use this opportunity to voice out my opinion on how unfair the caste system is." She says, casually. Everyone wanted 'plant more trees' or 'add more facilities.' Wow, this friend duo is definitely different. One very observant, other very smart and witty

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