Chapter 17: The Speeches (& arrival of a dumb ex)

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Piper POV

Saying I am nervous is an understatement. I am freaking out on levels I didn't you could freak out in.

We are in the limo, all 5 of us together. Me and Freya are the only ones scared out of our minds. Calypso doesn't care. Hazel doesn't need to win approval from anyone, she's a fricking princess and Reyna-is calm for reasons beyond understanding.

I was quite a bit jealous of her for a bit of time. She was the second date and the only person Jase took on 2 dates. Ours were more but still. I'm not insecure anymore, I never was. I just was jealous of her a teeny tiny bit. As I said, not anymore.

I got this, I got this, no I don't. Shoot.

Hazel squeezed my arm from next to me. "You will be amazing."

"Sure." I snort, humoring her.

"You will." She insists.

"Thanks, Haze." I say and practice my speech, mentally one more time. I remember nothing. I'll have to wing it. UGHH.

One by one, everyone goes.

Calypso talks about Global Warming and how we have to be the first to change.

Reyna talks about Eco-friendly projects she planned, vividly.

Freya speaks about animals.

Haze speaks about the economic status and first-hand experience of orphanages.

"Next up, is our favorite, Piper!" Ann announces.

I go and stand up, feeling the urge to puke. Stupid stomach! My throat is closing up I clear it as I take the mic.

"Hello everyone. I hope you are doing well. Ok so I want to say, its an honor to have come this far and how grateful I am to tell y'all my opinions. But before you all start hating me, I want you all to know that I feel like I might throw up and am trying to act chill so you should feel sympathy for me." I say earning laughs from the crowd and Jason was grinning.

I breath and start speaking "I initially wanted to talk about the orphanages as well cause I saw how it treated Hazel and she is my best friend. After my dad, its her and Annabeth that mean the world to me. But she took the topic and I'm glad cause you can sympathize with her more. So now, I wanted to talk about the underdeveloped areas of Ilea. Ilea is a beautiful place with natural scenery and amazing places. Its also industrialized areas so people have sustainable places to live. But what of the lower caste? The 5's, 6's, 7's and 8's? Where are they supposed to go, how are they supposed to survive. They are a part of Ilea too. They put their trust in their country but trust can fade if its not proved worthy. If you are promised a gift of an enormous amount of money but the person who promised you kept delaying giving it for years, would you believe that they'll ever give it to you? I wouldn't. I would lose trust and respect for that person, both hard-earned things. With time and patience. Everything is interconnected. And one more topic I need to talk about is-" 

Do not say it, Piper, don't you dare.

"The caste system itself." I get out. Silence.

So I continue, "How is it that we are choosing who are worthy of their titles? Based on how famous they are? On how important they are to the Crown? And that's fair to you all? Don't you think if everyone is given the same opportunities, then they'll thrive as much as you 2's, 3's and 4's? Why are we labeling them because of what they are born into? Why are there labels at all? As a-"

"STOP, THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS." King Zeus stands up, interrupting me.

Silence, again. Ann cleared her throat, "Your Majesty, its a rule to let the Selected finish their speech-"

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