Bonus Chapter 1: Jason has a date

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Jason POV (One year after Epilogue)

"Come on, come on, come on!! Today is date night!!" Piper insisted.

"Five more minutes." I mumble, checking the review one more time to approve the request of a restau-

"JASON." Piper said and I stamped 'approved'. I don't even care about the stupid restaurant.

"Fine! I'm ready!" I said. I looked to see Piper in a white shirt and checkered skirt.

"No, your not. Wear something nice." Piper pushes me to our room which is connected to my office.

"Okay!" I say though it's weird since Piper doesn't usually care what I wear. I cam in pajamas once and she was in my hoodie. But what Piper wants, she gets.

After changing to a black, plain shirt and white jeans. I have a feeling Piper would say 'The world isn't bla-'

"The world isn't black and white, ya know?" Piper rolls her eyes, still smiling. Called it.

I hold out my hand for her. "It's my turn, right?" I try.

"Nuh-uh, its mine. Yours was last time. You promised I can plan date nights, alternatively."

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry!" I say as she leads me to the Garden. Right as we stop in front of the door, Piper turns to me.

"Ok, blindfolds." She says and takes out a piece of cloth and wraps it firmly around my eyes, not painful but strong.

"Ok so just walk slowly with me." She says, taking me forward and I can hear the creak of the door and Piper's giggles.

She sits my down on a chair, or a chair I think cause I'm not sure it has a backrest.

I also hear receding footsteps so I say, "Piper?"

I heard a distant voice, "Open!", so I take the cloth off.

And there was a stapler in front of me and giggles from all sides. And I heard the sound of clapping of hands which I take as a high-5.

Suddenly, a voice comes, Leo's to be specific and says, "Well, hello! Are you my date? My, my you are quite.............uh, lovely-looking?", in a high pitched voice.

"Hilarious." I say, sarcastically.

I look to see the stapler on a voice box or something and a wire connected somewhere into the Gardens.

"Well, I can't do all the talking now, can I?" Piper's voice comes through in a low pitch. 

Ohh my gods.

I get up, ready to track them down but then it says, "SIT DOWN. I HAVE NOT COME THIS FAR FOR NOTHING. I NEED MY DATE!", and I was so confused, I actually sat down.

What. The. Actual. Hell?

"I'm a King. You do not command me." I say and I could practically hear Piper roll her eyes

"And I am the Queen of myself." Piper/stapler comes through.

To humor them, I say, "Are you real?" and grin. I could hear Leo laughing and Piper giggling faintly, though the clearly think I can't hear them.

"Well darling, would you like some tea?" - Leo.

"Yes, please." I say.

A beat of silence.

"Well go on! Put it in the cups!" the Stapler, I mean Piper says.

"But you are the one who offered!" I argue.

"Are you fighting with me? On the first date? This is outrageous!" - Piper.

"Totally unacceptable." - Leo.

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