Chapter 19: Elimination 4.0

36 1 19

Jason POV

It's the second-last elimination but the last OFFICIAL elimination as the next elimination is where I'll ask Piper to propose therefore eliminating the other 2 by default.

I enter the dining hall. It's dinner time.

Lyra claps takes a mic. "Ms. Nightshade, your bags have been transferred to Affixin  and Princess Levesque, you'll be taken to Netheria today."

Well that was the easiest one so far.

Thalia and I were sitting and talking about.......stuff which might or might not be Piper. Then Percy bursts into the room with an annoyed Nico. Nico has been here since Hazel came back. Leo left to Affixin a day ago.

"Jason, you are an amazing person. No one is as pure-hearted as you!" Percy exclaims.

"Is he being sarcastic-?" I ask Nico and Thals. "I actually don't think so." Thalia says in evident shock.

Nico rolls his eyes, "He is now indebted to you as Annabeth's name came in his Selection. He assumes that Piper or you enrolled her without her knowing and I'm sure he assumed right." He finishes.

"I didn't enroll her or ask Pipes to either, I forgot." I say, confused. Well, thanks to the one who did cause if they didn't I'm sure that I would have died a painful death at the hands of Thalia. Not Percy, Thalia cause she would say and I quote, "Are you dumb? THAT'S THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE AND HE TRUSTED YOU!" and boom. Death. No wait, torture. Actually, I'm her brother, we'll go with death.

Annabeth burst in. Good lord, the timing of certain people. Hazel must have left the room at some time because she trailed after Annabeth.

"Both my best friends, Princesses. And Piper McLean, do not run!" She scowls. Calypso, Reyna and Freya already left so it was just Piper, Hazel, Annabeth, Thalia, Nico, Percy and me in the room.

Piper sits back. Resigned with a smile. It was her.

"How dare you?" Annabeth points a accusing finger and scans the room and finally lands on us.

"Hazel! We need a quick talk!" Nico says, dragging a apologetic Hazel behind him.

"I have to-uh-gooooooo ummm-"

"Thalia?" Annabeth says. They know each other?

"Hey." Thalia smiles, opening her arms into an embrace. Hey? She was just making an excuse to go away!

Annabeth jumps into her embrace, "You abandoned me."

"You blocked me." Thalia threw back.

"Ya, cause you abandoned me!" Annabeth countered, "Hey where's Luke? Don't tell me you have been meeting with him. I'll never ever-"

"I might have. He's doing good." Thals grins.

"Ohh my gods, you like him!!" Annabeth says.

"You liked him first. Then you got over it and I might have........thought about him that way." Thals says. Well, that was obvious but Annabeth used to...........

We all look at Percy. He was so pale that I was ready to hold him to make sure he doesn't fall. He was really good friends with Luke. We aren't blood related to him, unlike me, Percy and Nico but we are close. Percy looked up to Luke, a lot.

"Well, I got to go, unblock me. We'll talk." Thals says, leaving.

"I'll think about it." Annabeth says and turns to us. 

Her blond curls were let loose. Percy was gonna start drooling any moment. Piper comes up to our Gallery, since the Royals are supposed to sit a bit higher then the rest. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing orange dress, full-length off-shoulders. Dam.

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